Daily Outlook on USD/IDR and USD/SGD March 5, 2013


04 Mar 2013 [I]23:36GMT [/I][/B]

Despite y’day’s rise to a fresh 6-month high at 1.2486, subsequent retreat initial consolidation
wud be seen b4 resumption of recent upmove.

Stand aside n look to buy on dips as abv 1.2486 extends to 1.2500. Below 1.2385 signals top made.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Stand aside

[B]RES[/B] : 1.2486/1.2500/1.2527

[B]SUP[/B] : 1.2428/1.2385/1.2348


05 Mar 2013 [I] 02:04GMT[/I][/B]

Despite usd’s brief pullback to 9660 (Thur), subsequent rebound suggests consolidation with upside
bias remains n abv 9725 wud re-test Feb’s 9770 top.

Hold long with stop as indicated n only below 9660 risks weakness to 9640 b4 another recovery.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Long at 9700

[B]POSITION[/B] : Long at 9700

[B]OBJECTIVE[/B] : 9750

[B]STOP-LOSS[/B] : 9685

[B]RES[/B] : 9725 / 9770 / 9800

[B]SUP[/B] : 9660 / 9640 / 9605