Dark Cloud Cover question. Mid of the high or low, or mid of body?

What Is the Dark Cloud Cover?

Dark Cloud Cover is a bearish reversal pattern where a down candle (typically black or red) opens above the close of the prior up candle (typically white or green), and then closes below the midpoint of the up candle.

Question, is it mid point of body (open close) or midpoint of the candle?

And since piercing line is the opposite, this question applies to that, too.


EDIT: Also, if you know, is it talking about about the mid point of the body or the from the high and low of the candle if we are talking about Morning Star / Evening Star?


No one uses Japanese candles anymore? :sweat_smile:

The third candlestick closes below the midpoint of the first candlestick. An evening star is a bearish reversal pattern and a morning star is a bullish reversal pattern.


I think the Japanese do - which is why they work so well on Japanese markets