David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)


Yes you can use them 24 hrs per day… nothing changes.

But if your trading the Australian/Asian sessions then I would recommend you try order flow trading… even order flow is used to trade London by a lot of pro money and smaller pro money outfits.

I can teach you order flow trading if you want, its pretty basic stuff.

I could even stay up and do some Asian session trading with you guys now and then… I don’t trade Asia, just London, but I would do this occasionally.

I like the structure.
I do not find the thread hard to follow.
I believe you explain things clearly.
I dig your style and format, especially how you mark up your charts with clear points of interest and explanations of those points.

Have a great weekend with your pups!


David, Everything is Great. You have a great delivery. You get your point across. I guess about the only thing that would make it even more dynamite is if you posted your actual trade. I don’t want to be a robot and just trade when you do, but I might even see things more clearly. As I stated earlier, I have questions (many) however I know that they will get answered just watching your posts day by day. Thanks David for all you are doing. TJ

Hi David,

What indicator would you suggest that is not proprietary that could be used for order flow. Thanks in advance,


Hey, hey, easy now Mitchell. Some of us old guys have killed more brain cells than you young guys will ever use. :18: j/k

That would be great but please don’t let us burden you with stuff. I live on the west coast USA and London opens at 00:00 for me so some Australia and Asia strategies would be wonderful.

I agree with all my comrades. You’re doing a great job here and i will never be too thankful for that. And even if it seems a little bit obscure at first, the examples given and charts published clarify everything.

Hi thanks.

I’m trying to keep this thread educational, and not turn it into something like a signals service thread where I say buy now sell now exit here ect ect ect as I think that would attract the wrong crowed only after a quick buck.

The thread is aimed at being educational so that it teaches people how to make decisions for them self’s.

But if everyone wants me to post I buying here now or selling here now or exiting here now posts, then I can do that.


Structure, explanations, style/format = excellent.
Currently too much noise, but how do one filter that out?

You don’t need an indicator… all you need is some information which you can get, and a chart for order flow trading.

the only thing David that is lacking in this thread compared to the one on the other forum, is that the charts posted cannot be blown up for easier viewing. I don’t post regularly on this forum so not sure if there are any tools available for this.

Haha, ill take your word on that :wink:

I agree with you on that. I don’t want to be a robot that just takes signals and makes you do all the work. I want to learn why you did what you did. What happens if you leave or get ran off of here,lol (I hope you don’t) Maybe on occasion if you can post your signal it would just help us to see what you see. Maybe you could just use twitter for that. Thanks again, TJ

[B]Do you like the structure in which the analysis is delivered here, or do you feel its hard to understand.[/B]Its very easy to understand, maybe some of us have to read over it once or twice but its easy reading.

[B]Do you find the thread to be hectic/frantic and hard to follow[/B]
No, its fine

[B]Do I explain things clearly[/B]

[B]Would you prefer another way of me delivering the analysis and charts (style/format)[/B]
No they are fine and easy to read

If anybody can answer this question I would appreciate it. It doesn’t just have to be David. I see a bullish engulfing on the 15 min. that took place a little below the BBZone. Do we wait to take the trade after it has gone back above the zone or go long now? I have read every post on this thread so if this is a repeat question I am very sorry, I must have overlooked the answer. I don’t want to be lazy here. Thanks, TJ

I think you are doing a great job of explaining your points, Mr. Jefferson, thank you very much for the insider info…please tell about order flow trading, and I had absolutely no clue such a thing existed, so please start from the ground up so we can understand…thanks very much again!

indeed it was, you been to same seminar?

i dont believe markets give 2 hoots about fibs either, unfort big traders do, so thats why i look at them. there was a few things he mentioned yest which cld put newbies on completely the wrong track.

Hi David,

I don’t see any problem with posting trades in addition to the educational part of this thread as it would increase the knowledge, not decrease it. Hopefully you can do that in the future. Cheers,



Noted and will make sure I use this going forward, I did wounder if I should have my protected stop outside the pro money zone, bit like supply and demand zones that I used to use. But it turned out the trade was bearish after all, and to me the zone has been breached to the downside, and next week will be the time to search for a sell. Now price has broken the zone and closed below on the 1hr and also the 100sma. I really like this type of trading, and for once I know why I was stopped out.

With regards with a later post you made, every thing is great to me, has been since last forum. I find your teaching of how to trade ( not just telling when to trade ) a very well deserved thankyou from me and everyone else here. See you on twitter.


I think the structure is good, maybe a standard header for each post i.e. pair,TF, etc. would help.

Not at all, it IS a forum so there will always be a bit of back and forth banter that you have to sift through.

Pretty clearly, I think you are purposefully cryptic on occasion in an attempt to get us to figure it out on our own, which I think is a good thing, so long as the right answer is provided at some point.

The only thing I could think of is that the charts are not sizeable, perhaps if they were posted as thumbnails? I haven’t posted any pics on this forum yet so I am not sure what options are available.

What follows is just my honest opinion, take it as you will…

I have the overall feeling from the forum that there is the eminent fear of you disappearing, when something seems too good to be true( you teaching us institutional trading for free ), it usually is.

Having said that:

RE: Posting of Real Time Trades:
I would much prefer that in the beginning, you do not post real time trades. I think it is very important for us to learn how to do it on our own and realize success/failure from our own decisions. Only then will we have the confidence to continue trading on our own in the future.

However, I would like to see detailed post(after the fact) trades. For example, after analyzing charts for a few days, or maybe once at the end of each week, it would help if you posted a chart that said, this is the actual trade I took on Monday, I entered here, exited here and this is why.

Some will argue that if you post charts in retrospect, it’s easy to pick winners.

But if we we were to do it this way for a few weeks or so, and then we could all post some trades in real time, including yourself, then I think it would lend a bit of accountability to those of us that are serious about learning.

I enjoyed the real time posting of Joffies charts and trades and I believe that helped him a lot more than if you had told him exactly when and what to do. It’s like the difference between demo trading and live trading.

PS … and again, just thinking out loud here(otherwise known as talking :- ) ) if these questions are leading towards a program/mentoring/signal service, then I would definitely want to see some live real time trades down the line.

Just being honest,