David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

That’s funny! I actually still have a book I bought years ago, “How to do Greece on $25 A Day”

Ah, the good old Drachma…

I’m Greek and lived there for many years when we had the Drachma, times were good, people were happy…

my head is spinning i have to play catch up again, all the scenarios of the SMA’s amd order flow played out today…theres a buzz on this thread

I was in Santorini last summer and people who I met there said they missed the day they could live like kings and eat well and live well with the drachma. I backpacked Greece on 20 dollars per day 30 years ago and I am telling you those were the days!! Everything was so cheap. On this last trip to Greece to the Islands and Athens Greece was expensive!!! Bring back the Draucma and I am heading back!!

PS My ex wife was Greek!!

One of them did yes… but there are others at the level for other date expires… this one is tomorrow.

Right, I knew about those, just figured they wouldn’t come into play till’ tomorrow…

its a good point though as on IFR yest morning they said that there were bids defending the 1.21 option…

23rd July 6.08am:
Bids ahead of option structures at 1.2100 hold for now

so why would they be protecting it the day before? is it an american option which can be exercised whenever? or do they just stick some bids there to slow it down or hope for bounce?

So how do you go about trading order flow in real time? Lets say theres reported offers in gbp/usd @ 1.5100 would you have an offer just in front of the price before its tested or do you wait to see how it trades? What kind of stop would you use on this sort of trade

your first post and its a classic.

When the option first get placed, the normally come with bids/offers everyday until expiry… and then added to on the day they are due to expire.

For example… If I take out an a vanilla @ 1.5000 on Monday with Wedn expiry I want to try and keep price away or close to.

ie: I take out a vanilla call, for 1.5000 Monday, due to expire wedn, I will place small/med bids in front of it to try and keep it up during Asia… the on Tuesday I place some more above and below the number to try and form a zonel barrier that keeps price close… then on expiry day, I up the bids to shift and try to keep it above.

I would also place bids under the expiry to try and push price back towards the strike.

Typos are shocking…the/they ect ect…

I guess I missed something because I thought the level was 12050 not 60. I took the touch of 12050 but for only 2.5 pips. Oh well…still learning OF.

Bids 1.2060… Barrier 1.2050.

I wouldn’t expect everyone to get this first go… probably 99% of the readers/followers and member of babypips haven’t even heard of order flow before in currency trading. So its new to them.

Like everything else in life when learning… it takes time and effort… sorry but there is no magical formula.

Stay with it, learn it… practice it.


Yeah I see it. You tweeted that. Sorry. Quit wasting your time on idiots like me. Lol

hehe really thats fast! only 1 hour ah,  i used to do that all day.  Trying now to catch up on the order flow stuff, man it played out today just how Dave and some of the guys said it would.   Back to the thread...read read read

any thread you got can help, im on the order flow study now…whats a good link for order flow data, imaybe it was already given on the thread, sorry if this is already on the thread…brain overload possibly

Thats right, I know I am trying to understand it now, never herd of order flow before. Thank you for supporting us.

I don’t mean to sound like a prat… I don’t care if links are posted here or not, doesn’t bother me. But there are people who will[I] [B]ill advise[/B][/I] and provide wrong information/training, simply because they have no clue or have never traded professional in their life’s, so they are not educated enough in the subject/topic to provide training or info.

I would say no non professional trader/dealer is qualified enough to educated or inform, as order flow is 99.9% professional traded within FX.

So be careful on what you read, and who it was written or posted by!

Someone sent me this on twitter today… though it was funny…

Were you still trading professionally when the SNB introduced the 1.20 peg?