David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

I trust you all follow me on twitter and got the flows I posted tonight… therefore you can all tell me that you just bagged 2 contracts @ +7 and one contract still riding with stop at entry on the NZD/USD 0.7820 bid?

hi pipcompounder,
just wanted to add smthg related to this and SBs…if you use them, as I know david doesnt. if you had any worries about slippage or stop sweeping (which may happen v occasionally even with reputable SBs) then by manually entering/exiting will obviously mitigate this risk. its best to have a larger SL in no matter though just in case of a 9/11 event, and then manually exit (which will then cancel your orig stop - oco).
if you get what i mean.

if anyone wants to know more about this subject then please pm me or just search on here/other forums/google, plenty of info about dodgy/ok SBs.

I thought we had regular Asian session readers here?

I stayed up a wee bit late tonight to chat with the flow… (00:28 UK time)

Oh well.

Think people have stopped living the life of a professional trader for the night and are at their day jobs :stuck_out_tongue:

Uni bum still here though haha :smiley:

by the way, order flow stuff is very good. Really simple and liking it a lot :slight_smile:

David, do not promote your twitter too much, you can get your self banned by BP admins. We want you here. :slight_smile:

Cool… I’m just scratching the surface with it… plenty more techniques and information about it.

All I’ve done is show basics.

This thread has turned into an all out chat room. 60 pages now. Wow. I go away for 1 hour and it takes 2 hours to catch up on the latest. Lol

Banned for what, providing inter-market information and training that all links back to this thread at Babypips.

I’m new to twitter, so its a novelty for me… I wasn’t aware that I was ‘promoting’ that much, and it certainly wasn’t intentional. I’m using it to post fast order flow.

If the admin here have a problem with me providing one of the hottest and most read/followed and educational threads on the forum, then I’m sure they are grown up enough to contact me by PM or email or Phone and discuss it.

Or if they want to ban me, then that’s their call, no skin off my nose.

I’m not allowed to use the T word incase I get accused of promoting it :wink:

But I posted some flow on there for USD/JPY.

Followers will know.

Right folks… bed time for me… its 01:11 here in the UK.

Catch you tomorrow.

Banked in 5 pips :slight_smile: . BTW, how did you timed exit your trade ? Currently I’m just using 2 pip trailing, is that ok ?

I saw that on T…lol
I was wondering if going short when it gets close to the level below is a good play since these areas are like magnets. Then you get out and scalp back up when the actual level is hit. Maybe that’s what you already teach and I just missed it in this mountain of info. Anybody can answer, David has to sleep sometimes. Lol

Am in my bed on the iPad… How’s the for freckn dedication! :28:

I will answer you tomorrow if you remind me… Did you bag the 5 pips on the secon NZD bid 0.7815 ?

Careful David, you just promoted yourself on…iPad. Lol.
No I missed that one. I was trying to work, post here, watch my usd/jpy short and eat supper. Lol. Life is now standing in the way of money making. Thanks for the reply from the sack. I’m hoping to bag some pips here in a few minutes. :slight_smile:

Sounds fine… Just take it slow to start with, aim for 3-6 pips to start with and gain confidance in what your doing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll gladly sink most anything that’s put in front of me, and certainly no complaints with a good hit of Jack every now and again, just developed an unfortunate taste for quite expensive (for me) whisky and red wines. fml.


First I’m sorry if this is repeating anything anyone else has posted before, I’ve deliberately avoided those posts to stop from picking up info that I didn’t try and work out myself but I will now go back and review for any interesting info. I also apologise if I’ve got anything horribly wrong, if so it’s entirely my own fault.

GBP/USD H1: At first I thought nothing doing much here as price is far from MA’s and consolidating but then realised I have been probably focusing too much on MA and ignoring BB/correction zones. Started placing up the BB zone and realised it was actually also the correction zone placement.

GBP/JPY H1: Stuggle to try and identify any areas of confluence flicked between D1 and H1 charts looking for S/R, MA’s didn’t seem to make sense with fibs of areas of price congestion then looked at the 4H chart and saw some areas that made sense (doesn’t show to well but the 38 fib line is also an area of support turned resistance).

EUR/USD H1: 50-68 made to seem most sense as there is price congestion and 200 MA convergence. 100 MA is heading into a seemingly quite dead zone.

In all 3 cases stochs are showing oversold or approaching oversold so will be looking for retrace to BB zone where will look for PA signals on 15M charts to indicate rejection and continuation of the trend OR will look for price to break through BB zone and show consolidation on the other side to indicate change of bias and trend for GBP/USD and EUR/USD but given that GBP/JPY will probably still be the wrong side of 200 MA this will be more an indication of bias but not yet trend change (until price has crossed and consolidated).

I can’t really see the charts to well as I’m on an iPad just now, but from what I can see and remember from my own charts and your analysis, I can’t see any problems… You understand the concept of bias and trend… Which are different things. And your zones look reasonable to me from what I can make out.

Here’s the easy part, since you have done the hard part already… Now you have to wait for price to perform its act, and then you have to time entry.

Good luck… Your analysis sounds solid.

Thanks David, do you ever stop?

I would say timing the entry and exit are the hard parts.

Having lost the last 7 in a row (first 4 not trading this method) I’m rapidly forgetting what I winning trade is like :wink:

See what we can do about that to change it around for you. There is clearly an issue, as you should not take 7 hits in a row. We will work on it and get you sorted.

I’m really g to sleep… Dossed off and dropped iPad on top of the bridge of my nose freckin sore.

Cath you later.

Can you wake up in a few hours and check on us?..,.j/k :-$)