David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

What was the rejection? I can’t see any relevant patterns on my chart?

are we like children who have just guzzled 2 litres of sunny d?

Watch your entry’s… try and read the price action a little better, remember this is not a system… I can’t stress that enough… it is a way to analyze the market, but you have to place common sense into it.

The price action that takes shape will tell you whats happening and what “maybe” about to happen, there is no guarantees. But your looking for the clues.

Let me ask you a question about the 15 minute chart and trends from a price action perspective… I want you to answer this…

Before price can move down, what does price need to do, form or create or print ?

Taking away the MA’s and indicator… and just having price on the chart, explain how to identify a trend in the original sense?

If you answer this then you will be more aware of the pa and charts, and your common sense.

Might be concussion from the iPad? :wink:

maybe I was too optimistic in my interpretation of the candlesticks, like a railtracks but the right leg is made up of 2 parts, but it still looked like a firm rejection

maybe wait for a lower high to form I guess would be a good idea, i.e. 1-2-3

Here is your AUD/USD 15 minute chart…

Reading the price… only only the price… there is a 15 minute bullish momentum thrust up… higher high/higher lows. At no point has price made any lower highs, or even a lower low, or both. It has continued to make higher highs, higher lows. Where is the bearish nature at this time?

As I said on a comment on someone elses post a day or so ago… this indicates that price is searching for a resistance zone to stop and reverse, or run into strong offers.

And what happens if it keeps going… well eventually we will have a bias change and trend change if it continues to move higher.

Watching the eurusd, 15min chart formed railway tracks inside the B/B zone so I took a short entry.

Can someone confirm I did it right?

that means means tied in ****ney for those who dont know

hi tradersan, doesnt price need to hold below the 100sma before you can look for set ups on m15? it looks like it has tested it and is trading around it ie it may close above and change the bias to long.

if i understand it correctly

or better still wait for a lower high to form :wink:

Aaaah, ok that makes sense. Well I hope it stays under the 100sma, only 13min left for 1 hour candle…

From Reuters: 1.5500 option expiry for today’s NY cut exerts magnetism over cable

2 hours to go until the NY cut… the battle begins.

E/U - with NYO approaching I would hold fast until it declare its hand. A lower low would clearly be helpful.

well not necesarily cos the LH on the m15 may still be above or near the 100sma on H1. you have to wait for h1 to close below 100, and it hasnt yet. then you look for m15 LH, i think.

So even after we have a big clear reversal pinbar form and print on the 1H rejecting BB zone and 100 MA with stochs showing overbought we still wait for a LH on 15M?

E/U hourly close a shooting star, 15m divergence(stoch + OSMA), next hourly opened 15 pips below 100Ma, so I went short.

gold rally perhaps pinning AUDUSD up. not sure how much david looks at correlations between markets, i know he mentioned right at the start just to trade the chart regardless of other market influences.

Divergence on EU 15 mins aswell.

Right folks off out to walk the dogs… back later.