David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Has anyone got an updated PDF they can share?

I’m going to tackle order flow tonight and demo to see if I can take some pips as easy as everyone else seems to be :slight_smile:

Wish me luck!

EDIT: Or a smaller PDF with OF instructions. As I don’t understand the OF so much as I have been understanding the BBZ’s

haha, thanks Josh! I thought it draws the line of the price somehow. So now i see i’m totally numb with OFs.
Could you tell me what do you do with them?

i doubt there is a big difference how much you can make trading either method. you can make good money at either if you are good enough.

and why do you “need” to make ‘big dog pip haulage’? besides aiming to match big banks pips is impossible as you are looking to piggy back the momentum caused by them, which means you are reacting to them entering so you will never match them. even getting close to taking 75% of the move wld suggest you require inside info, so i would scale down your expectations somewhat.

the markets in last few days to me look better suited to order flow scalping. you may be able to build your account size quicker this way, as it may suit you better. it appears there are more opportunities to OF trade, but you may need to be more selective. each to their own imo.

well i’ll tell what i think and what i will write states no more then my opinion and the way i see things.

in forex and well in other market’s there’s always a variety/types of traders, the ones that like to hold positions for months/weeks, the ones that hold trades for day’s, the intradey traders, and the scalpers, well in my point of view i really love the scalping i tell you this cause i grew up in forex reading and trying to discover and learn the much I could on scalping grounds, but in these kind of foruns there are so much crap so much indicator, so much so called pro trader that the only thing that they want it to sell you crap, that this mission of mine was making it barely impossible to learn the proper way to scalp so i decide well, i’ll give it a try and i’ll learn PA and patterns in price then i’ll try to trade them of the charts… this took me 2 years of my forex experience, to be honest without any consystency, after 2years listening to people I begun to knew telling me that scalpers are the biggest part of the losing percentage of traders i gave upon scalping due to pressure and also mostly due to no information at all on how to scalp properly… and i begun to invest my time in intraday swing trader, I became an fibs intusiast i learn and read 3/4 book on fibs patterns, retrations extenctions ways of predicting the reverse , the explosive movement, ways of discovering where the smart money was being injected… still and even if am a ****ing stuborn guy and what i want to lear i will learn no matter what, even so something was missing , there was always some move in intraday perspectuve that i didnt get why the **** and how the **** that happened, even with me pulling fibs calcuting stuuf well … you got the point there was always one poinst that i didint understood… until last year I found in BP the well Known ICT thread and begun to study is material , that is good material yes but, and again but there was something missing seeing him trading was like wowowo how did i not understood that, it’s super easy , in real time tradeing the meat is diferente wayyyy to diferent, ok i have to admit i was profitable in some poinst off my short(4/5 years carrer), but then the times where market act crazy there was when the losing strikes happen and you begun to question , **** there’s still something missing…

Now a couple days back i found David’s thread and begun to read it well to be honest in the begining i was thinking ok one more strategy with MA, we have a bnch here at BP, but as soon as i finished the 1st page o was thinking MENNNN what is this info , what is this guy talking about this makes perfect sense, woowow WTF now i see things diferente now I SEE what is hapening and know where those things will happen it’s a matter of patience and sniping skill,

after a couple pages David talks in onder flow scalping ***KKK my eyes, and brain become part of the screen all i was thinking is men this guy is a Fuking angel this guy gave me the most i want as a trader the ability so scalp…

so in shorts i like swing trading and I do watch level for swings as per Davids teachhings helped a lot , but I live and fight to one day i can say i an a scalper and i have profitable portfolios… and prove to those noobs out there the once told me that scalping is 100% losing money that they are wrong… scalpers as any oder trader are profitable … it’s only a matter of knowing what you are doing and where to trade when to exit have it all planeed before pressing the button…

i have seenscalpers do a lot more % on equity then swing traders this is not a game of how much pips you win or lose this is a game of how much % of equity you build in XX period of time… here we trade numbers we dont trade money i see it and number and the pips are points to me I look at the charts and think in number i want to win 20 points today do i’ll go there and try to get then out… i dont mind in thinking wow 20points is Y$$ **** that i dont need that… you only think in $ when you hit the 31 of the month in the green side and that’s when you will payoff your 31 day effort… till there those are numbers…

well sorry as i lost my self in my thoughts i will end now or i may write another statement

Asper david sorry for calling that guy and stuff is in mo way depreciative, well it’s like oposite you are an example to me and i wish one day i could say the same you do scalpers can make a linig out from forex only scalping day in day out…

and to answer your doubts about why catch only 5-20pips ,

nd to answer your doubts about why catch only 5-20pips and not 100pips, well I tell you that I can win the same amount as you even in a 5pips move and you with a 100pips move it’s a Mater of how much you want to risk per trade %of equity

let’s say you use 2% of an 10k account so you are willing to risk 200$ per trade ok.

i calculate my entry and set a 10pip SL so after I know where my stop will be I calculate the amount of lots I will put in the trade in order to risk 2% on those 10pips… and imagine i hit success and leave the trade wining 10pips … so i won 2% of my account … and this can happen in a matter of literally minutes.

now a swiger that see an entry and calculates a 40 pip stops, and want to risk the same 2%, let’s say he also wins and close at 40 pip so no big deal he also won how much??? 2% so he won the same % as me but he was exposed to a 1h or more in a trade… in the end i was much less exposed to a explosive movement that could put all up side down

you see the perspective…

so dont think in pips think in percentages, calculate your risk, calculate your SL length and do the maths it’s the same :smiley:

hope that helped really

and again sorry for my post i lost my self in words but really i am really liking this **** as it is what i want to really do i dont want 100pips a day i’ll be glad with 10/15 pips in scalping grounds …

again really THANK YOU ALL for helping me feel this way and to making me believe that i can really do in markets what i love and that is scalping the PROPER way, and a special thanks to David your the men… cheers to that


That was a great post Luis!

I hope a lot of “noobs” see the value in what you are saying.

Good luck in the scalps, share some of your trades with us.


today was the first day on OF and grabed 10pips, also missed by .4 pips my entry on the best OF of the day that went back 20pips on euro…

i’m no pro but i’ll gladly share what i know in order to benefit us all…


I’m guessing you’re talking about the 1.2250 option at 9:30 and 9:45, would you have scalped it from the top and bottom?

Dave has emphasized to only trade on the first touch, for an option after 8am est.

Looking at the 15min chart, the 9:30 candle would’ve got you close to 20p like you said, but then the other candle is on top.

Interesting because whoever owned that option had some serious influence to move the market up like that and then keep it above for another 10p…

There were offers at 1.224-5 and an option barrier at 1.224 as well.

It looks like the offers and barriers may have pulled the price back down after the fact…


yes was the 2250 level missed for so little but after that i erased the order the 10pips was from other entrys… i trade as dave’s told first touch missed it forget it …

but those woulb be cool 15 more pips :smiley: on the first touch… roughtly as exits are not good yet :smiley: 10 pips minimum
:smiley: well another one tomorrow will certainly come… and i will be out there with my sniper :smiley:

This Link is for a pdf on the order flow part of this thread Download OPTIONS.pdf from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

I’ll meet you here an hour before sniping time!

We’ll compare snipes :slight_smile:

On the mobile now Dennis, I’ll check this out when I get back on the laptop but looking forward to reading this as want to weigh up if its something I can trade.

Evening all,

I see lots of order flow topics here. Someone mentioned why should they scalp for 5-20 pips and that they want the “BIG DOG” pips like the banks get.

Ermmm, the term ‘models and bottles’ came to mind when I read that. Some of the folk here will know what I mean with that term… if you don’t then watch this video, because it sums up that posters comments to a T.

The fact is, you don’t have to scalp, you simply don’t have to do anything. No ones forcing you to do anything.

But who do you think those bids/offers belong to… the toothfairy? By trading the major bids/offers you ARE trading with the corporates, the banks, the funds, the clearers, the model accounts, the custody banks, the CB’s, ect ect ect. Scalping order flow is only one way of trading it, its NOT the only way of trading it.

By the way, last week I gave bids @ 78.00-05-10 for the USD/JPY… those bids belonged to the BOJ… is that good enough for you since you want to trade with the banks?

I have shown and continue to show 2 ways of trading here.

1 with the correction zones and BBZones for larger swings and trends/bias.

2 order flow scalping for regular and consistent trades.

Oh and by the way, there is 2.5 billion worth of bids sitting @ 78.00-05 on the USD/JPY currently. And another 1.5 billion sitting @ 77.50-60 and 77.90… all belonging to BOJ and other Asian names.

@gs8888: If the market is so flat on a particular day, why trade on that day? Ie, are we not supposed to wait for the really good setups? (as suggested in ICT thread)?

@traderjosh: “more leverage”. I thought more leverage was bad, not good?

@BidDiddler: I didn’t say I need to match the banks, just take lions share of the day’s range (and yes, I would consider 75% of the move a lion’s share). But you have picked up a little on my situation.

I suppose my viewpoint is that I’ve always seen scalping as more risky, more work (as in # of trades per day). However, I can see how you guys are doing it: fix the $ amount to risk (or % equity), combined with a small stoploss equals a larger position size. Trouble is, psychologically, I’ve never been happy specifying the risk to lose, but thats my perspective… your responses have been enlightening, I’m glad I asked the question! I’ll think about it and try it (prolly spend alot of time thinking about before trying). It is a different style of trading after all.

Hello HarriBabyPips, You are right. We need to wait for a valid setup to take place let it be ICT way or using the correction/BB zone trading. But, what i mean to say is, there are day’s when you don’t get valid setup’s, during such day’s you can trade using the order flow scalping as it is based on the heavy transaction’s and the move with those reported level’s is inevitable.
It’s jus my opinion by saying instead of sitting on zero we can make 10 pips using OF.

I stuck him on the ignore register because he sent me PM today that seemed a bit aggro to towards me and them commented about me probably ignoring him, so I obliged and hit the ignore button :slight_smile:

Also his recent posts here seem a bit aggro towards others, and to be perfectly honest, I can’t be bothered with people like that. So hes ignored.

Markets were flat as a pancake today as expecting. This is due no pro money wanting to take large positions ahead of the ECB and FOMC meetings this week. Market is pretty much scared out until it see what these 2 have to say. We also have NFP this week, but to be honest its the ECB and FOMC meetings that are the real threat. The market could be this way until we get these out of the way.

Folks do keep a close eye on the following pairs and levels.

USD/CAD… As I reported today, there is very LARGE bids sitting @ 1.0000.

On the USD/JPY as I reported there is around 2.5+ billion in bids sitting @ 78.00/05.

And EUR/USD bids @ 1.2200.

Also been told that the AUD/USD is picking up a lot of interest above the 1.0500.

is this not a good market for some pro money, with low liquidity conditions, to take advantage of low vols and move i
price about a little - maybe to get orders filled/business done? Obviously business o/s the markets is still going on eg cross border business which requires fx transactions.

There will be plenty of derivatives taken yes at various OCC’s and higher price ranges, most will likely be DNT’s and NT’s. But this isn’t going to cause to much of a stir within the spot market while thats going on. Its really just capping price to tight ranges and positioning ahead of these meetings.

Don’t get me wrong, all of the above makes for great flow trading, but crap trend trading.