David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

David, if an OF Level is reported overnight but is NOT on your morning list is it still tradeable? (sorry, it sounds similar to my last question but is not) ie the 1.2440 level that we are above now



Same answer… [B]Most will remain in place until tripped or normally until North America comes online.[/B]

David: Just one quick question Flow trading ends most of the times on NYcut when the options expire and barrier are removed … or some of the levels remain valid till the end of the day or till beeing filled … now i got my self confused, just to clarify…


Thanks to everyone who helped me with the timezones.
Looking at EUR, almost touched 50% fib and BB zone, how to play now? Probably best be patient and see what unfolds?

I was watching PA as it went through 38.2 fib, and liked the look of it and went short with tight SL, moved SL to take a few pips profit if it comes back up else ill ride it to 50 fib and let PA tell me what to do :slight_smile:

Bids and Offers are set by different funds, banks corporates all over the globe, and session to session.

Most of the bids/offers in over night trade (Aisa) will remain in place going into London. When London opens, fresh bids/offers will also be placed from the London/Europe desks at the same levels as Asia, or at other levels. Bot the Asia and European/London bids and offers will remain in place until they are triggered/tripped, OR, N.American (Forex desks) come online, this is normally when the Asia bids/offers expire and cancel out, and is normally when European/London desks either remove un triggered bids/offers or move them to other areas, normally inline with the fresh bids/offers being reported from American desks at 13:00 UK time and beyond.

Normally the ONLY bids/offers that remain in place from the mornings reports and through to NY cut 15:00 UK time from Asia and European/London desks, are ones that are next to option barriers. All of the rest normally get moved, or expire.

You will get fresh bid/offers reported normally from 13:00 onwards.

ok, thanks for the update :slight_smile:

Thanks David, when you were talking about N.America coming on-line and wiping bids/offers I thought that was the same deal as the NY cut.

Guess who patiently watched all the great OF play out all morning, then traded the one that had already expired?

Loving the new blog by the way, might help cut down some of the overall noise although it makes it interesting trying to keep up with the 3 different sites.

ps… remember folks, the FX market and any other market for that matter,[B] is not static![/B]

The markets are evolving things and continuously update and change all the time based on trader sentiment from session to session. What Asian traders want may not be what London or European traders want or think.

Asia overlaps the European/London trade, hence why they tend to leave bids/offers in place until the London traders start to unwind their positions ahead of N.American desks opening. Normally around 13:00 when US currency desks open, they are the ones who pump out the fresh and updated bids/offers, as London and Europe are coming to a close in a few hours, they tend just to follow the US bids/offers to scale out of their positions, or take some smaller positions ahead of the London/European close.

But as I said… they will tend to leave any bids/offers next to option barriers in play until the NY cut.

Hi guys,

Brief sabbatical from here as was up in london from friday watching the olympics and back early hours of today. Hope everyone enjoying them as much as me, though I actually prefer the red button on the tv for viewing - much less hassle (call me old).

Hope everyone is having a good trading day albeit slow in most pairs, will look to post a few charts up later.


Much more clear now… thanks David

1st day trading OF and was a positive day, catched 2 flow orders and missed the biggest one (20pips), on euro because my entry missed by 0.4 pips, even tho i endedday with 10pips on the green
i could have catched mora a bunch, trading the bounces of 100ma on 5 min charts but i am still eyeballing those bounces and the PA around those areas …

ether way i evaluate this day as a positive day i learned a lot, and finally could scalp (i love to scalp), perfectly knowing where to enter what TP were in play… well i’m calling it a day and finally i begin to fell like i know what i am doing…

thanks to all in the thread specially the mentor owner David Jefferson…

PS - sometimes i question myself what is the reason behind your efforts, cause sometimes to be honest seems to me a little bit unreal, but I like and see you as an example to follow as personality, and hard work you put on your back to place this job done quickly and in 5 star quality…


PS2 - my english not the best but i think you guys got the message… see you later…

Here’s the thing: why should I learn how to scalp Order Flow for small pippage (5-20 pips? Really?) when I want (read “need”) to make Big Dog pip haulage like the banks and hedge funds?

This question is directed at no one in particular, though I have observed quite a number of ppl here doing OF scalping. And forgive me if it is a really stupid question and the answer should be plain obvious.

Well, what i feel is, when there are consolidation day’s and when there’s no perfect bias to take a trade targeting 40 or 50 pips. Order flow trading help’s you bag some pip’s. Even 5-10 pips bagged a day is good rather than sitting on zero.
If you take today as a example, there market was so flat and i din’t take the risk of trading for high pip’s. With the OF i bagged 22 pips today. Though i’m not a pro at OF trading, with the info David provided, it’s enough to make some good profit’s. Just my opinion.

I think it’s because it is more clear cut to those of us who are new to trading David’s way. OF has precise entry and exit points. As you can see some of us still have a bit of trouble identifying the zones correctly and the entry and exit points correctly. Basically David is showing us another way of making pips. Another think with OF is you can leverage a lot better therefore earn bigger profits per pip. Therefore some will make 1$ per pip using the bbzone method but now can make 4-5$ per pip trading OF because the stops are so tight. Hope this makes a little sense.

I agree…

And, why not do both?

please someone simplify for a numb like me:

If there are bids for example 0.1 , 0.4, 0.8 and offers: 1.0, 1.4 then price should go through all of this in that day ? Or some bids and offers just do not materialize? Or All bids-offers should materialize?

sorry for the low-level question

You can actually become rather wealthy with only 22 pips per day with proper money management. Good going!! Oh the power of profit compounding.

Some materialize some don’t.