David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Ditto from Me :slight_smile:

I really donā€™t see where youā€™re going with these critics. Youā€™re talking about arrogance etc but hell if i was spending my time and loosing money, trying to educate people, to see all my efforts going to the bin because some morons are questioning my integrity then be sure i would put you on the ignore list as well !! Now youā€™re thinking, heā€™s probably a scammer because heā€™s charging 245Ā£, well first of all heā€™s a cheap scammer then, because 245Ā£ is nothing comparing how much some are charging for some EA or the last strategy. Then have you ever tried to think that the guy may be right ?? I mean and what if everything he taught you, were right ??? What if charging a fee is a question of principle and to sort people like you with people who are willing to learn ?
Now when i said i donā€™t see where all this is going i was lying, this thread looks like more and more a battlefield and i guess it will be closed very soon and i really think thatā€™s a shame because there is still some people willing to learn. And all this just because 4 or 5 people canā€™t be intelligent enough to send an email directly to David and talk to him and see by themselves what itā€™s all aboutā€¦ Like civilized and mature people i meanā€¦ very very sadā€¦ Anyway whatā€™s the point to carry on trying to explain, i bet people like you will never understand. Feel free to insult me as i donā€™t give sh*t of what people like you may thinkā€¦ Oh dear, oh dearā€¦

Already forwarded those types of posts to my solicitor for further reviewing.

Iā€™m pretty sure babypips will have the IP address should it come to prosecution.

ohh so now every one needs to know english writing to the 100%ā€¦

well english is not my nature language and yes i make some errors writing itā€¦ But again as I dont treat people with words i should be perfectly fine ā€¦

PS - when people as nothing more to say , as they lost their reason, they begin to pick stupid things to talk (stupid minds talk stupid things)

This is a strawman argument. You are not in a position to question why someone else is charging a ā€˜nominalā€™ (it works out at <Ā£4 a day even less if you add in the free time he has given) fee for their time and expertise. He has expertise, that is clear, and hes given plenty of it for free. His net worth is irrelevant in pricing up something like this. Many successful traders tutor/mentor for free and for money (most do not hang about on forums though). Some reasons why they teach?..1. plenty spare time between trades; 2. keeps them sharp & in touch with the basics; 3. cos they were tutored in early part of career & want to give something back. I know traders who have taught (for free and for money) who do it for one or more of the above. You obviously do not know any. Please note ā€˜net worthā€™ doesnā€™t come into any of those reasons.

There is also one great argument FOR charging a nominal amount: it gets rid of the freeloaders and lazy @ssholes who frequent this site, who cannot be bothered to read the thread yet expect free money. Are you one?

To take your argument to an extreme, if he charged Ā£10kpp for 3 months live room then that would have been more acceptable as its more significant relative to his net worth. And thats why your argument fails.

Its obvious why he would put you on ignore, you clearly struggle with basic debate. And poseidonnsā€™ questions were rhetorical (he had already said it was too good to be true) - his belief is ā€˜successful traders do not teachā€™ (for money or free is irrelevant). Classy dudes.

ps i am not affiliated to david j in anyway, and i havent paid for the live room.

This is terrible grammar. And youā€™re english? I pity your kids.

to pip and andre sadly I have to agree with you both The free stuff always ends with a paying course gambling sites giving away free systems but if you really want to make money buy our special systems we have already made thousands join us and what happens you get the same old stuff rehashed. Im really disapointed this has all come down
to money yet again.

Ignore pipmeister25.

He is yet another person who blindly makes assumptions when posting drivel. They are not worthy of your time.

I have a strong suspicion that david jefferson is actually david robertson. There are a few reasons why I think this. For the curious google ā€œdavid robertson traderā€ or ā€œdavid robertson trader order flowā€. For the not so curious please ignore.

I could be totally wrong here, however I am getting one of those strong gut feeling alerts.


From trade 2 win, first link in google search " david robertson order flow " :


Just received this in my mail:

Good morning

David Robertson here AKA: Mr Spread Betting.

Itā€™s been a while since I put something together on the trader training front, as I have been busy overseas, and enjoying the sunshine in Florida, France and Corfu. But over the past few weeks I have actually been thinking of putting together an on-line, London open, interactive trading room that aims to concentrate on a small selection of currency pairs during the first 2-3 hours of the London open. (Please read the full email to see my GUARANTEED offer)

I mostly day trade/scalp the EUR/USD - AUD/USD - NZD/USD - EUR/JPY - USD/JPY using market order flow information and support and resistance. Iā€™m not sure if you know exactly what market order flow is or not, so I will give a brief overview of what it details.

Market Order Flow is basically the buying/selling pressure between Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Clearerā€™s One of the big four UK banks (Barclayā€™s, Lloyds, HSBC, RBS), Corporates: The treasury departments of large multinational corporations, Custody banks: A bank which holds securities in custody for other financial institutions, IMM The International Monetary Market division of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Model fundā€™s, Real money; Nickname for ā€œend usersā€ of foreign exchange, who trade to pay for transactions or liquidate proceeds from transactions in other markets like equities, fixed income and commodities, Sovereign wealth fundā€™s (SWF): A fund set up by a country with large foreign exchange reserves to help manage those reserves, and not to mention Central Banks. These orders and buying/selling pressure takes place within a market known as the ā€˜wholesale marketā€™ which is only open and available to the organizations/institutions as stated above. This is the place that these mobs do their business in order to then supply quotes to the retail and commercial clients on the spot market. As you may know there is NO central exchange for the currency market as it is an over the counter product. But with a good supply of contacts on various dealing desks across the globe and brokerage houses who have access to the wholesale markets, you can gain very good information on where these names have their BUY & SELL stops, and BIDS & OFFERS sitting. Combine that information with good support and resistance, and you have very strong technical levels to day trade the FX market. I post some of the Order Flow levels on my twitter account: @ForexMarketFlow

I have a contact list of various dealing desks which are based in Asia, France, London, Australia and the US which I personally pay over Ā£3,500 per month for. Most of the contacts are from the same 3 banks, but with different trade sessions and objectives based on the base country currency and interest rates, each dealing desk has itā€™s own daily/weekly objective. I get daily information each day supplied to me from my contacts that clearly state where the Order Flow is within the market. The information I get states where the names above have their BIDS & OFFERS and BUY & SELL stops within a 10 pip range. I then simply take this information and mark it of on my chart using green horizontal lines, then mark of my technical support and resistance levels using blue horizontal lines. Once I see a confluence area ( Order flow levels equal to, or near to technical support and resistance) I then use my MT scalping method to enter the market and make some pips. That way Iā€™m not only trading pure technical support and resistance levels, but also a zone where the banks/institutions also have BIDS & OFFERS sitting in the market (Market Order Flow).

I tend to only trade the first 2-3 hours of the London session these days, and thatā€™s why I was thinking of starting a trade room during this period. During the Live Room I would show you how to trade the MT scalp method, as well as supply you with all the Order Flow levels & support and resistance levels for the pairs I was looking at that morning. During the Live room the aim is to make 20-60 pips profit per trade using only a 15 pip stop each day. I only take trades that are backed with support and resistance AND Market Order Flow.

My Money Back & Half price Guarantee!

I donā€™t want anyone to be part of my Live Room and feel that they may not make money after paying a subscription fee, so what Iā€™m also going to offer is a full money back guarantee if we fail to make at least 400 pips per month. The 400 pips per month is just the minimum requirement that I would have to hit within the Live room hours each month so that you are covering your Live room subscription payment and MAKING profit. I would suggest that you trade a minimum of 50p per pip so that you can cover the subs fee and still walk with a profit based on the minimum 400 pip target. If I fail to make a minimum of 400 pips within 1 calendar month during the live room hours, I will refund your full months subscription fee and only charge you 50% for the next month!

Even if I make 399 pips during the month, I will refund the months fee and give you the next month at 50% the cost.

On average we are making between 800 ā€“ 1,500 pips each month. Normally placing 1-3 short term trades per day between the hours of 07:40 & 10:00 am GMT. We recently went on a 6 week run which gave 47 winning trades in a row, and resulted in a net profit of 1,612 pips using 15 pip stops on each trade.

If I get enough interest in the Live room, then I will push ahead and open the doors. I want to make it as affordable as possible for everyone without taking away from your monthly profits. So the monthly subscription fee for the live trade room is Ā£89 pm. And remember, if we fail to make less the 400 pips on any calender month, I will refund the Ā£89, and give you the next month for Ā£44.

During the live room I take questions on the markets, as well as teach you my trading methods. I will also CLEARLY state my audio/voice any trade detailsā€¦ie: the pair, entry price, stop price, possible targets and why Iā€™m calling the trade, as well as when Iā€™m exiting the trade. You will see my charts in real time on your own PC/MAC screen as well as hear me talk. Ad you are invited to ask as many questions as you like.

So thatā€™s it from me for now.

If you would like to place your name down as a possible member then please send me an email <[email protected]>


Davie "

Well seems like the end of this threadā€¦ agree with all of you who pointed out that it sounded too good to be true.
Learned a lot from you David, mostly all stuff thatā€™s readily available on the internet, just all compacted into a good ā€œtrading for dummiesā€. The same happened during last decadeā€™s property bubble, lots of people were making money buying and selling property. Others made money selling books and offering courses. All were riding the same trend and it worked as long as the trend lasted.

When and if governments start imposing restrictions on capital flows, pegging currencies (like EUR/CHF) or banning short selling (Spain), that will be the end of ā€œtrading for a livingā€ for all of us, traders and mentors alike.

I still think we should keep chatting here all the same. Letā€™s not yell and insult though as it is rude and simply discredits the arguments.

Happy trading.

Good webinar today! Free!

I sat in on todayā€™s webinar and it seemed to be the same guy as David Robertson. Here is a link to his old Blog under his other name and the voice seems to be the same and the charts are the same. Please everyone let me know your thoughts on this.



David Robertsonā€™s FOREX Blog

Its a pityā€¦ another good thread another hit and runā€¦

If traders have been profitable, and have been learning for so many years to get to profit, why would they want to spend more time on teaching others. It wouldnt be healthy.
If i had money, i would trade and spend rest of time having a life.

Just wanted to update everyone on the status of this thread and to clarify that we closed it upon the OPā€™s request.

If you have any other questions regarding this thread, please feel free to send me a PM or send us an email at <[email protected]>.