David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Not sure what the gripe is all about.

David has already provided tons of free information that made trading and technical analysis much more understandable for newbies like me. It makes much more sense than any “system” I have read.

He is not forcing anyone to join the course (which for me is absolutely a bargain!). If you want to learn more then go for it… if not, you still have the free stuff which is enough for you to start your journey.

Here you go, added both.

Just minor changes as mentioned earlier.


In relation to all those haters, yes Forex does have its fair share of magic super secret system sellers.

I have read possibly 80+ books on forex, technical analysis and secrets of pro traders.

David does not teach a system, but rather a way of thinking.

The retail trader in me, was ready to short USDJPY during US session, however understanding option barriers, bids and offers for order flow as well as being able to draw the B/B Zone and the IFR info from OANDA, I took a step back and waited for the market to come to me, it turned 3pips short of my 1st entry but I am much more confident in my entries thanks to David.

The second I saw David’s blog it became my homepage :slight_smile: and I can’t wait for the 3month training to start. The information I have managed to scrap together on this forum has been invaluable and with the advanced live order flow training I can’t see any reason why I won’t be able to recoup the “fee” in trading in the near future.

I think the most important thing is that trading is personal, if you don’t click on something it won’t work in the long run.

In conclusion, if you don’t like it don’t use it.

FXJefferson indicators.zip (15 KB)

Ok David… You just lost all respect from one who has been quietly following this. The fact you blacklisted some people so they cannot post to your thread after they bring up some questions, validly and not even in a rude manner, pretty much means either you are an egotistical baby… Or their questions hit too close to home.

“If I was doing it for the money, then I would have opened 200+ seats and charged a lot more.”

Okay… Since you are not doing it for the money then why are you charging at all? 12K (50 seats times each 245 pound seat fee) is spit in the wind for someone who is a self proclaimed multi millionaire.

“I’m not going to be doing another program after than, and I’m certainly not going to be running a live room after that or doing another coaching apart from on my blog and here on this thread when time allows.”

Wanna bet…?

Also your poll about a live trading room does not say “would you been interesed in [B]PAYING[/B] me to do a live trading room” you left out a minor detail there… Conveniently.

“Now can we get back on topic here. Or are we going to waste time and energy talking to complete and utter morons with NO future?”

Classy dude…

Luis I understand your feelings of loyalty to your mentor… :slight_smile: But be careful not to be a sheep.

he is not my mentor HE IS MY FRIEND…


you dont like this well so search the free stuff… there are a lot good ones out there that teach for free want me to name some to you?

also know some paid ones here on BP want me to name some too??

men get real, you dont like, i respect that, now respect my choice :smiley:

An well know psycologist says

“MY LIBERTY ENDS WHEN THE OTHER’S LIBERTY BEGINS” so i respect your opinion, now let me have mine ok and respect that…


PS now im off to bed as i have to trade tomorrow LO… i dont have to to this… chip chat talk

I have no disagreement with you :slight_smile:

Hey guys,

Have you heard of ‘opportunity cost’?
It is - “Opportunity cost is the cost of any activity measured in terms of the value of the next best alternative forgone”

David has foregone his time trading to help the sheep. His time equals money and his opportunity cost to training us is lots of money. It is completely reasonable for him to charge a very small fee for his time.

This is basic economics and everyone does it. Also, when you pay for something you commit to it!! its evident that he would get alot of irritating b***s*** if he didn’t.

Finally, he might want to diversify his time spent, by doing things like blogs, chat rooms etc. The Forex for Noobs guy learnt to code cos trading was so mind numbing.

Hey David!

I’m almost current with the lastest post. Loving it… I’d really like to be part of that Monday through Friday training over the next three months. I know you said it’s limited to 50 seats. With that being said, is there still room for the kid? LOL. If so, please count me in… Just need to let me know how I go about making payment to you. Also the time and login detail for Monday, etc.


Sure charging is reasonable… Not arguing that. Matter of fact if he was just up front about it and direct and saying something in the beginning like, “Hey guys, this is just a preview for the type of information I can give you, if you like it then come to my live room for a fee” then cool!. Instead, it just has a feel of being baited… It is a red flag when someone says he is not doing it for the money… Then charges a fee. So if he is not doing it for the money then why is he charging?

Either he is as successfull as he says he is… In which case he would be doing this to help others for free since 12k pounds is absolutely nothing seeing as he would be making that in a single trade…

Or (becoming seemingly more likely) he is not as successful as he says he is… in which case 12k pound IS significant… and he hopes to generate most of his income from that.

Look… All that B/B zones are, are classic horizontal levels of support and resistance that you should have learned from the school of pipsology… In fact nearly everything he has taught on here is in the school of pipsology. You can get barrier option information as well as levels where there are large bids and offers from many different sources on the web.

If you were a multimillionaire would you work a trading room full time? Heck no! You’d be out making money… The allure of trading is not working for anyone… So he’s someone who has aced trading then decides to go work for someone (the paying members of the room)?

Yeh Good luck with that…

I agree with you …This reminds me of what happened on the original forum he came from…Another member of that site disagreed with him and simply stated an alternate viewpoint and he freaked! Then he lashed out at that guy and that guy lashed out at him apparently you are either with him or against him. … He then came here… Something to consider here is that he said " 50 seats" which I get …BUT how many other forums is he on saying this same thing?.. IF he is an ex trader from Barclays , how about some proof? An old pay stub or something… a badge or something that shows he actually worked there. Everyone is so willing to just follow on his word…You think baby pips is the only forex site?? You have the internet people a simple Google search may enlighten you :wink:

I will not be signing up but that’s my choice…IF others want to …cool good for them . If I could get 50 people to pay me that amount I would do it to !

Are you signed up for the FREE trading room session tonight? Are you logging in to the FREE chat room each day? I have received nothing but good FREE information so far. I am a completely different trader. David has already given me enough FREE training to make me rich. So what if he charges for a certain program, Ralph Lauren is rich and last I checked he still charges for his clothing and nobody complains.

Cool! How long do you think David will be participating in the free trading room? He is already noticeably absent from the forum since the nearing inception of his fee based room.

Josh… Does it not strike you as off putting, someone who bans anyone from simply questioning them? Then calls them names and belittles them? Arrogance has a certain stench… I’m surprised you find it bearable.

He didn’t ban anybody. He just put them on ignore. I already know how long the free room is for. The chat room is free all the time.

[I][B]Ralph Lauren is rich and last I checked he still charges for his clothing and nobody complains[/B][/I]

Funny I don’t remember Ralph Lauren giving away free clothes at first …do you? What do you mean no one complains??? Oh what you MEANT to say was that YOU have not heard of anyone complaining. So you are speaking for the whole world then? I am sure you can find a forum somewhere on the net of people complaining about how expensive his stuff is …Just because the 5 people you are friends with have not complained does not mean no one has.

David’s blog has an Order Flow document you can print out, I am more of a tablet kind of guy vs paper.

I have made a very simple excel spread sheet that works well on my android tablet and should work on the ipad as well.

Alternatively if you have spare screen real-estate you can just add the info into the excel spread sheet and then if you really want to hold paper print them out.

Sheet 2 aka Pairs - Column A is used for the Pairs dropdown list, feel free to add more and then sort as you please.

When I get a chance Ill look at pulling data from one of the many forex sites with economic calendar to populate some more of the spread sheet automatically based on the pair selected.

David’s blog posts the Order Flow so should be able to automate that as well.

Pivot point’s are also on a few websites around so could pull that as well.

Will look into it over the weekend.

Feel free to edit and improve it.


Daily Order Flow excel form.zip (9.52 KB)

Hey man I didn’t say that the info on here was not good did I? No I did not . I am just saying how many times have other people said to themselves [I][B][U]" This time it’s different, this guy is legit"[/U][/B][/I] Only to part ways with their hard earned money. IF you need help seeing it just turn on CNBC , CNN , FOX news or your local news station …they are FILLED with these types of people…I am not saying David is I am just saying use common sense …investigate a bit further. If he is who he says he is , or was, how hard is it to prove? Not very hard at all. IF he proved he actually worked for certain companies than I would probably not be as skeptical but hey he does not have to prove anything to me as I will not be giving him a dime… Anyone can take a picture next to a fancy car does that make them a millionaire and a great trader ? No …with the way he reacts to simple questions one might wonder even if he did work for a trading firm he was probably fired and did not quit… People are free to do as they wish …sign up , great , don’t sign up …that’s great to. What do I care …I am just a guy on a forum

Well , nice thread & strategy …nothing wrong with the charged program i think since i always remember the old saying "Those who CAN will DO, Those who CAN NOT will TEACH " …that’s why there’ll never be any teaching lessons from Mr.Soros on forex , W.Buffet for stocks or Michael Jackson for singing …:stuck_out_tongue:

Ahh…so you mean all the people who teach aren’t successful in trading ? that’s what you mean ? So even ICT or other trader’s who teach in here aren’t successful at making money ?

Seriously ?? Wow I’m just amazed by your intelligence here. It never came in your mind that some of the people here are not from UK or the US ??? lol… seriously… And you even have kids… humanity is doomed people… lol

What the f**k happened to this thread?

Regardless of David’s personal motives, he’s displayed a huge wealth of knowledge and helped hundreds of people improve their trading. He’s called out trades in real time and proved that he knows what he’s talking about. I don’t care if he made it up or was professionally trained, what he says makes sense and helps me understand the markets. If he honestly needed to fleece £245 from people then he probably needs it more than us, and in which case he can have it as a gift for all he’s already taught me. Personally, I don’t doubt the man at all. And unless he gives me reason to, I never will.

It is one thing to doubt someone or live a cynical life, it is quite another to publish libellous comments about someone and skew their public image. You’ve ruined this thread and ruined the lifeblood of what was otherwise a very helpful and positive means of analysing the markets. More importantly you’ve offended someone who has already given up so much of their time for no personal gain.

I’ll happily pay £245 and far more just to be free of you idiots for 3 months.
