Day Trading Binary Options

Very nice trade. It was an easy ITM for me as well.
I am curious as to why we traded GBP/USD. There are a bunch of USD pairs to trade. What made this one better than the others?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the annualized change in the inflation-adjusted value of all goods and services produced by the economy. It is the broadest measure of economic activity and the primary indicator of the economy’s health.

A higher than expected reading should be taken as positive/bullish for the GBP, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as negative/bearish for the GBP.

AMOUNT: $1250
DATE: 29/04/14

Hi Amishbuggyfx, we went with GBP/USD as it has a larger amount of volume traded on a daily basis and the two currencies are extremely competitive with each other meaning they are very sensitive to fundamental news, Im so happy that i was able to make you money, will you be following more of my trades this week?

I will be following these trades with you as much as possible. This is a great thread!

Hey Denham

Im only small potatoes at the Mo.
Trade mainly forex with ETX capital. but getting into some binary’s as well


Yes AmishB,
I agree a great thread, and very Fresh approach


Hey Guys

ITM with a put on gb/ us trading the GDP


$1000 profit before breakfast this morning is not to bad and i was a bit late to the office lucky i was able to use the app

Hey Denham

Enjoy your cappuccino ! As you said ; a good start before breakfast


Hey Boomerpips how much money have you made today?

Hey den
£400 profit from the earlier trade, now looking at CB consumer later. What do you think?


Nice trades folks!! That one was too early for me. I didn’t sleep well anyway, I just should have got out of bed…
I will be watching the CB consumer. 10 am EST works better for me! I’m on New York time.

Shame you was un able to make it but time difference is a pain, I remember the days when first trading forex i use to set my alarm for the Aussie news and trade at 2:30 in the morning then not be able to sleep all night worrying, i’m glad them days have gone, i prefer binary options by a mile and i am making so much more money trading it, wont be long till the Aventador has to go and the Veyron will be on the driveway.

Hey Den,

Is there a USD/CAD trade later with the news from BOC?
Whats your angle?


The CB Report gave me another winner! This is great!!
So, I realize no system is 100% successful. When was the last time one of these news releases lost?

Hi guys, just seen this thread. How do you guys trade the news? I used to all the time but volatility killed my trades most of the time. I stated a thread here a while back looking for advise but all I was told was don’t trade the news

We are waiting for the announcement to be released. So far, I have only traded USD related news. The gbp/usd pair reacts the best to news for the usd. If the numbers announced favor the usd, I immediately take a put, as gbb/usd will go down for a little while. If usd shows weakness by the news release, I take a 30 min call. I find that 30 mins give the pair time to wiggle into the temporary trend caused by the news, and it expires ITM long before the market returns back to the natural trend. I hope that makes sense. I have not had experience with other currency pairs. Perhaps Denham will shed more light on those…

So, for 4/30, I am looking at the EUR CPI flash est at 5 am EST, and for the USD, the ADP non-farm employment change at 8:15am EST.

Where on this site is a good place to start how to be a effect binary options trader? I want to learn really bad on what indicator to try to learn and where do you read the news and how it effects the currency.

Hi krzintegraboi, apologies for the delay i have been very busy last 12 hours but i am more than happy to help you, first off are you experienced trader or is the whole thing new to you, do you like taking risk or are you more cautious? have you had an opportunity to read through this whole thread as it has been a success story for a few off us so far