Day Trading Binary Options

Yes this is a different strategy, personally i am not in favour of that as you could be purchasing to late, but worth a try with $10 or something small, i think it is key to look at the news and previous history and purchase as soon as it is released works best for me.

After watching the AUD news last night, you are right. Getting a strike price as close to where price is before the big reaction is key. My buddy entered a trade on it last night and just barely won the trade. Price was wiggling around well below his strike price until the last 8 mins of his 30 min expirey time.

Today we have non-farm employment AND unemployment numbers coming out at the SAME time. If they are both good, or both bad, would that be ok to trade as long as they are showing the same sentiment?

Yes these ones are tricky because there is a large amount of news released today, I will be strict and only trade if both results are either poor or good, good luck

Trade: GBP/USD
Amount: $1000

So results were fantastic compared to Wednesdays, the non farm payroll and unemployment change meant that Selling the GBP/USD meaning the USD to strengthen was an easy profit, i took a 15 minute option traded $1000 and Binary Kings gave me a profit of 80% so an easy $800 profit today.

Did anyone else jump on the back of the news and make money from it?

what strategy did you take and how much did you make? know i like to pay myself a $1000 every friday so the funds are already in my account profit of over $2000 again this week.

[email protected]

I tried to place a trade on MarketsWorld, but the platform was stuck on “waiting for data”, so I could not place my trade. That is the first time that happened to me for news trades. I did place a trade on my Nadex demo account. ITM.

This is great!!!
Denham, what else do you do besides trade? Are you full time yet?

Hi Denham,

I’ve never tried Options. I’ve traded news on forex before the announcements though. The price spikes so fast that its almost impossible to get in the trade after the announcement. There are other ways to trade after the news but then you are facing big spreads and also it requires a lot of knowledge and skill.
How do you get in the trade after the news release so fast? Are you using a software?


Monday at 10 AM New York time…ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI news release for the usd.
My question is this: GBP is on bank holiday all day. Should we trade eur/usd instead?

Hi AmishBuggyFX im sorry to here that you was unable to place a trade with markets world this is very frsutrating, sounds to me like they do not have a fast execution platform so i would test a few other brokers, have you tried Binary Kings yet, i have tested alot of brokers and they have been the best for me.

I pretty much run an Oil and Gas investment company as well so my clients can purchase into Oil wells in the US they are making some serious cash from this, how about you are you trading anything else?

Yes i would as it may have more volume through it, i am not trading today though, day off for me !!!

Hi thrustidle74,
I experienced the same problems when trading forex and by the time you place a trade you are already down by 20%, this is why i switched to Binary Options i had to test lots of brokers, their are a huge amount out there that do not pay out and their customer service is terrible, even their platforms execution speed is so slow that you can not trade the news, But try these guys who i am using i have had no problems with them i get the funds back in to my account within 1 hour of requesting as well so i am really happy so far.

I should have took the day off,too. eur/usd moved up and sideways. OTM…

How do you determine which news releases will have a nice impact and move the market? I thought if they were marked as "HOT " news, they would have more influence on the prices.
How long have you been with binary kings? Can you close trades early? Are you making more money trading with them, or as an affiliate?

Ok well the UK had a bank holiday on Monday so that for me it was of no interest trading due to the fact the UK play a huge part in the Currency market and with them out i’m out, it just makes it a lot more un predictable. I have been making more money trading with them as they seem to have a better customer service.

TRADE ALERT: The Services Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) measures the activity level of purchasing managers in the services sector. A reading above 50 indicates expansion in the sector; a reading below 50 indicates contraction. Traders watch these surveys closely as purchasing managers usually have early access to data about their company’s performance, which can be a leading indicator of overall economic performance.

A higher than expected reading should be taken as positive/bullish for the GBP, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as negative/bearish for the GBP.

AMOUNT: $1000

Ok so Services PMI in UK was better than expected so was an easy trade first thing on a monday morning.


AMOUNT: $1000
PROFIT: $800

How did this one go for you Denham? Been keeping a close eye on this thread and I have to say that it seems to be a solid little ‘technique’.

[B]EDITED TO ADD: You beat me to it with your reply![/B]

Nice one Den

ITM with that CALL


Hi Andyph, fantastic you are able to use this thread to make money, have you started trading yet or using a demo account?

I’m actually going to get stuck in on a demo today as I was on before finding this thread with limited luck. I’ve been utilizing technical etc but am intrigued to see how I get on with the fundamentals.

Keep up the great work, I’ll be stopping by more often!

Nice trade. Will you be trading the “trade balance” report for USD in one hour from now?