Day-trading. Can it work? Is anyone a winner?

Hi Guys,

This is a question to all you fellow pipers. Does anyone out there think that Day-trading actually works? I mean, sure, there are 1000’s of books out there telling you how, so you would think that Day-trading is a viable method of trading FX.

My question is for anyone out there who is actually successfully day-trading. would you be so kind to pass on some stories of your success? It would help to encourage a young trader such as myself. This may be pushing it but it wouldn’t hurt to throw in a few tips as well!


Definitely works!!

[B]There are many systems on this forum and their readers that will testify to that fact!![/B]

My own threads in particular (using timeframes maximum of 1 hour)…

and now…

Other threads I know of immediately are [B]Trevpick [/B]and[B] Nick B"'s [/B]method.

If you like the idea of daytrading, [U]this forum is for you!![/U]

Thanks Tymen1! That’s great info. The link to the forum didn’t work for some reason. do you mind re-sending? Many thanks once again.


Checked the links.

They do work. :slight_smile:

Check your computer.
Your antivirus may be blocking the hyperlinks. :slight_smile:

tymen…lol. He meant the underlined statement “this forum here”.

He thought you were linking to another forum. Newby…he was talking about these forums…babypips.

Thanks Virtecs. Great forum!