Days of the week mondays ahhh

Forever i have had issues trading on mondays i know liquidity is low and i tend to do well tues through to friday morning but how do i stop my self trading on mondays as i always lose money trying to catch the start of the trend before its been established

any suggestions

Hi bob9070

Welcome to the forum.

I think you’ve already answered your own question! The simple answer is don’t trade on Monday’s. Also, you mention you’re trading Monday’s trying to catch the start of a trend. This sounds like a classic case of over trading. Remember, you don’t have to place a trade every day and you should just follow your pre-determined strategy. Most of the professional traders here will not trade Monday’s and will only place maybe one trade a day Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and possibly Friday, and try to close all open trades by the end of Friday. Some traders may go days without placing a trade if the charts don’t match their strategy. They will also have different strategies depending what the market is doing.

Good luck with your trading journey.


solid thanks m8

To stop yourself from trading on Mondays, have a clear trading plan that includes avoiding trading on Mondays due to low liquidity. Practice on a demo account and use automated trading strategies to avoid emotional decision-making. Remember to follow your plan and be consistent to increase your chances of success.

I really doubt you have a problem with liquidity, probably you don’t have a strategy to trade in Mondays.

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"The fool of the Wall Street is one who thinks he can trade everyday" Avoid being one; and welcome to the community.


Use the day for observation and analyzing your trading strategy.

Hmmm. :thinking: Why not dedicate your Mondays to other things you’re passionate about? :blush: You can spend the rest of the week trading, but learning about a new skill or meeting up with buddies might be a good way to distract you from trading on Mondays. :blush:

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You took the words right out of my mouth. If you have a trading strategy everything will be OK.
With a trading strategy, you will have a framework.