Dealing D or None DD broker

Do you choose DD or Ndd broker and why

I think when it comes to this, you’d have to consider your trading style and preferences? :thinking: If your strategy or style would make you need wider spreads, then go with a DD broker.

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Basically, DD brokers create their own prices and may trade against their clients, while NDD brokers pass trades directly to liquidity providers for execution. DD brokers have fixed spreads and extra features, while NDD brokers offer transparency and better pricing. It’s up to you to decide which one fits your trading strategy and risk tolerance best. Just make sure to choose a reputable broker regardless of the type.

So why one shall choose a DD one?

I am trading with an NDD broker, but I have seen some brokers that mix DD and NDD, but as far as I can remember, they were not regulated. Finally, we came to the conclusion that, as @ria_rose said, it depends on your preferences to choose one.

Whats DD or NDD brokers? Im jus takin pipsology course explain please :pleading_face:

So far I can tell you, even though I am not pretty sure, that with DD brokers, you will have bigger spreads.