Dealing desk FXCM

Hi all,

Im looking to move to live account all being well next month. Currently using FXCM on demo mode.

FXCM called em today and told me mini accounts (I will only transfer £200 to begin with) go through a dealing desk. Which means there betting against my loss.

I am a little surprised at this however my questions is, should I care?

Does anyone else have experience of this? Does it take ages for my trades to be applied? Will i see more slippage?

Any thoughts at all?

I have one small account at FXCM mini account and I don’t experience noticeable issues with their dealing desk. Last week I even received positive slippage back after the trade was closed. That was a nice touch, they could have kept that for themselves as I wouldn’t have known it.

OANDA is also a Market Maker and they are also considered to be a respectable broker.

Appreciate the response.