Delete an indicator in MT4

I accidentally inserted twice MACD and I’m unable to delete it. I’ve been looking in the help-menu but it did not make it any more clear :smiley: on the contrary …

All settings can be changed. To do so, one has to select the desired indicator in the “Indicators List” window and press the “Edit” button or execute the “Properties…” command of the indicator context menu. Indicator context menu can be called by clicking with the right mouse button on a line, sign, or diagram of the desired indicator. To remove an indicator, one has to execute the “Delete Indicator” indicator context menu command or the “Delete Indicator Window” command in the chart or indicator context menus. The “Delete Indicator Window” command closes the indicator window.

I don’t seem to have the menu Command nor the Delete indicator command.

Sometimes I feel as if I’m blond …

right click on the indicator you want to delete and click “Delete Indicator”. Make sure it’s not the normal right click menu. Sometimes you have to right click multiple times before actually clicking the indicator.

Otherwise, right click on empty space on the grid, click Indicator List, then find the indicator you don’t want and click delete.

Careful…I’m blonde :cool:

Here’s a tutorial (with pictures) that might help you…lol

Free Forex MQL Training - Managing Indicators in MetaTrader 4



To delete an indicator in MT4, you right-click on the indicator itself and it’ll open up a series of commands; just choose delete indicator.
Hope this helps.

With all this good advice from blonds and non-blonds, I managed. Thanks!