Demo Accounts With All pairs

Maybe this was posted, but i didnt see it.

Is there a good demo account that uses Meta trader that has a huge amount of currency pairs? I found one before, but im looking for a complete list of everything. I am also looking for a broker that will let me start an account for as little as $200 for a mini to trade all pairs.
Does anyone have any info?

I have an account now with another company and its okay, but the spreads seem a bit large, but im looking to do it all in Metatrader not multiple programs.


fxopen has many pairs, low funding, and spot gold and silver. They don’t have any real exotic pairs from third world nations or anything like that. They use metatrador. I would use them for a micro. When you are comfortable with your trading and need a larger account balance, I would look for one of the larger U.S. brokers.

I use North Finance for my demo account. They use MT4 and allow low margin startup.

I just went to their website to find out about how many pairs they make available as I only seem to have about a dozen in demo.

I was surprised to find out that they’re not accepting any new accounts right now because they’ve outgrown the capacity to handle them. So until they can, they are referring new accounts to as a “Master Introducer” (as opposed to a plain old IB).

They claim to have over 140 instruments to trade…is that enough for you :wink: :smiley:

Worth having a look at anyways…

Hope that help :slight_smile: