Demo accounts

Looking for a decent demo account/software etc

Any suggestions?

Try the search?

I got more then 100 threads on it.

#1 attribute to a great trader, PROBLEM SOLVING AND SELF INVESTIGATION?

I like these threads as much as,

" Hey, whats the best way to trade"?
“Hey guys, What is Support and Resistance”?
“Hey Traders, what is a Pip”?

I mean, common man, do some digging,

Thank you for your feedback…I am new here if you have not noticed.

Wasn’t really 100% sure if this was the correct area for the posted topic, hence instead of searching every sub-topic I just made a post in the hope a veteran can provide me with the answer or direct me to it…

Lazy…i know

Dont get me wrong, I know what your sayin, but let me tell you this much, Learn to not be lazy brain’d in This Business, it will ruin the experience, and your account…

Look at it like this Bud, the more you Look around, the more you will stumble upon, and might be key factors in your Trading. The simple, Tiny, things, like what your looking for, are redundantly asked here, and Its bothersome, that Folks want to get into Forex, but dont want to do searches, or save threads like this for Last Resort information grabbin…

Forex is Hard, and you have to use your brain at a level you may have never experienced before… SO, get in the habit of Investigating, Looking everywhere you can, Without posting a thread…

Then, if you cant find it, start a Thread, and keep ALL of your inquiries in that thread…

Theres one Kat here that starts a new thread for every dang thing under the sun, and they are sometimes minutes apart…

OK, not being Forum police, just felt I needed to post this, lol… It gets annoying…

With that said, MCharlesF, Welcome to BabyPips, great profits to you, and wish you the best in hitting your Goals for 2012.

  • HatTip

O, and I guess I will answer it for you,

Oanda, Worst MT4

I like Alpari MT4 ( MetaTrader 4 )

Oanda Has a Java Platform that is great, but dont have the same options as MT4…

MT4 is good platform to learn on, ( not sure of your level of skill for trading )

Both have easy deposits and minimum requirments, as far as deposit amounts, and lots (Mini-Micro-standard )

Those are what I use,

get any demo account, it will do,they all pay out promptly! :smiley:

ideally, you get a demo to just learn how to use MT4. learn how to place trades, close trades, close partial trades. sell buy., pending orders, adding indicators etc etc etc.

The usefulness of a demo is basically just that.

Learning how to trade a demo is very damaging. ( my new mantra ).

you will learn all the bad habits that will take money away from you and rarely learn the good ones ( not in everyones case but most ).

So beware of the affliction that falls on most newbies, its called DEMOING.

Very good advice

then start with a micro account

