Diary of a position trader

Hi All,

I came across this thread (awesome btw) as have read and re-read the books cited and thought i would search BP for some extra info.

I have studied both books, smiths and the turtles - i was going to use the smith method 55/20 with the enhancements.

With the view of perhaps adding in the scaling in turtle with ATR adjustments.

I can see the thread is reasonably old and was wondering if @cyco or any of the other commenters had had any continued success with this/these systems (trend following and conqueror).

I have noticed that some have tested the strategies and they didnt look to positive. We are now 6 years on from the initial journal and wondered if there were any developments, has cyco remained profitable? have others tested the system recently, are there particualr pairs that work well?

I am in the process of demo trading it and backtesting but doing so manually so was hoping to get some insight ahead of that, I thought that perhaps trading the corsses amy make it more profitabel as the are less liely to catch the spikes what with the current president and Brexit etc.

Any thoughts appreciated.


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I read this whole thread yesterday and it got me thinking.

When you start in 2012, you see this highly motivated trader named cyco. He was really gifted in life, and wanted to follow his trail of success (100000 Passive Income a Year).

There was this book about a turtle which always wins against the hare, where only a bishop calls the exit.

The guy sat there eating cereals each day, and made thousands of trades and up he was 23% in the first months.

Then he got quiet. And medisoft a honory member of this tribe tried to backtest just the channel trade and was not amused.

Some months were bad, cyco sad, when he returned in 2013. And it doesn’t seem to work, new book, new way to financial freedom.

And there were words about a Conquerer which stops too soon, and a channel trade which should be the best and some month, the conquerer conquered . And I thought: What is this all about this forex thing? Wouldn’t time be better spend like being in a religion? Learning funny words and always think of heaven, where gold is flowing in the rivers? What is forex all about?

Two currencies which got exchanged. No product, no real thing you can eat. Just two currencies which differentiate in worth. Did the turtle trader trade these in the 80ies?

More so i think it’s about hope, or dreams of wishful thinking. Be scrooge mc duck one day.
Instead of just realizing, that robots have surrounded this place, and Sisyphus is awaiting his next trade-signal