Diary of a position trader

Not to well at the moment. It seems that market is consolidating and my 4 trend trading methods are moving without direction. The fact that the conqueror is the one with smallest stop is causing it to erode the balance…

I’m quite disappointed by that account performance because I had big hopes that it would work out for you . I’d say that Mario Draghi mortally wounded your account single-handedly a day b4 NFP. However, next time you’ll know to close in profit before ECB and NFP madness.

Well I can respect the honesty. My own account, using some trend following strategies, has taken a knock as well. I realize that is part of trend trading, but something must be done to control unnecessary losses.

Good luck man, we’ll catch up again soon.

You are right. I’m getting stats to control that loses and also to remove greed. I need more trades to have valid statistical data.

cyanidez, that is great news that your method is doing great things for the bank account.

I’ve been reading more of what I can find from Seykota, and he seems to be willing to have a discretionary element to his trading too.

For example with EUR/NZD on 11/6: Classic topping bar, which I suspect Seykota would have exited on, but the Bishop signal took a few more days to arrive. He also appears to be willing to shut all trades on a group of signals such as this, rather than waiting for them all to Bishop, or hit the stop. Doing this would preserve more capital - but runs the risk of getting you out too early.

Hello Cyco!

I’m here to learn to negotiate trade position, and would like to know which method you are currently using that gives you better results?

And if you have any link to this method and could attach here a copy of the window you are currently using?

I downloaded a zip file here in this thread that was posted by a forum member and it seemed to be one of his methods he was using. The method name is “Conqueror”. The settings he was using were the same as yours?

Cyco, if I may use this thread as a quick journal entry into my development as swing/position trader I’m going to do that right now. :slight_smile:

After two and a half years trading I am starting to realize why I didn’t follow through with position trading when I tried it for the first time about 2 years ago - greed. It was too slow for my liking and I “needed money fast” back then. The irony of this is that since that time I have lost much, much more than I ever care to say because of that one crippling emotion - greed.

I have since matured as a trader and have found my strut, so to speak, with swing trading. It gives slightly faster feedback and if nothing else, it allows me to trade more often so I don’t get that feeling of missing out. I am very aware that it is actually detrimental to my trading to feel that way, but at least I have found a way to work together with my weakness.

With this maturity and less of a rush, I am finally feeling ready, calm and collected for position trading again. I am opening up a small account and if nobody objects, I’ll post my results here as the months progress.

I will be trading with small risk, one position per pair and no greed involved at all. If I can do this for 3 - 6 months, I’ll at least have conclusive proof for myself if I will continue with this or not.

I am extremely familiar with everything Smith teaches and I will be trading with a mix of Conqueror and Channel Breakouts, using the ADX filter for entries and Bishop for exits. It’s very similar to what medisoft is doing.

Support is always appreciated, thanks all.

Glad you stuck in there cyanidez. Most would of felt the need to count there losses and try something else. Look forward to seeing how your trading goes from here on out.
I myself have decided to be a swinger through work reasons but also feel that it stops me playing with my trades which i used to do whilst intradaying.

Yeah man, I can remember one night when I was very down over a terrible day of trading. It was the first time the thought of quitting entered my mind but in that moment I realized that quitting and writing off two years of my life is much more scary than just getting my stuff together to trade better! :smiley:

Very glad I did. Take care!

I only started position trading 2 days ago so it will be a while until I have anything to show for it.

Cyanidez, You are obviously growing as a trader and its great to see you doing well!

Hey guys. How is the system going? I guess it is coming up nearly two years for cyco. Is it still moving upwards cyco? Also how much total portfolio risk do you take at one time? If I remember smith talks about 5%? Cyco what is your max exposure still 10% or so?

Hello, what is the differences of position trader and day trading???
Please help…

You can trade per position of the existing trade and you can place daily trade - both are completely different,

Hi there, well there is one place you urgently need to visit and that is the BabyPips School: School of Pipsology | Learn Forex Trading

In short, day-trading is trading on the lower time frames like 15m and H1, each trade typically lasting between a couple of hours to a couple of days, where position trading is trading on the big time frames like Daily and Weekly and trades can be open from days to months.

Good luck!

Of late I’ve been reading Van Tharp’s ‘Trade your way to financial Freedom’. I’m yet to finish it, but he emphasises that most traders look for a ‘system’ that only consists of entry signals with a high probability of success.

He says it is possible to have a high return system based on random entries, so long as you have good position sizing and exit techniques.

This has lead me to no longer pushing my trade size to exactly 1% or 3% for every system. I’ve been going to that size when the system is working, and I’ve been trading smaller when it isn’t.

I’ve also been looking as to earlier exit signs, like shooting star candles, to try and get out with some more profit intact when possible rather than waiting for a Bishop signal. The other ‘enhancement’ I’m experimenting with involves shutting all trades when some top out, rather than waiting for them to retract much further when there are signs the trend is coming to an end.

The other book I read last week is Ed Seykota’s ‘The Trading Tribe’. This looks at people own barriers to success in trading and other areas, and I’ve been in contact with some others and am hoping a Tribe can be set up here in Perth shortly.

I think the Trading Tribe Process is not for everyone, but those it works for it could do really amazing things.

Need to ask you guys about 1 thing if you are using The Conqueror, if you are long/short, do you exit the trade as soon as it becomes neutral? (changes from green/red to blue), or do you exit only when it goes from long/short or short/long and pay no attention to the neutral signs?

That’s awesome and a bit fast… I don’t really check currencies daily… Though I think I must do that…:smiley:

Hey Cyanidez and Cyco,

Good to see that this thread is still alive after what must’ve been close to 3 years of trading smiths strategies, I also took a big hit last year doing trend trading and lost effectively 75% of my account, I am considering smiths strategies based on your successes in the past;

my question is - are the strategies (channel, conqueror etc) still viable in your opinion?

Hi jangez,

Ouch, 75% is painful and believe me, I can relate :wink:

Anyway, I speak for myself only when I say that I have completely stopped trading Smith’s strategies. I think in a way I have still learned a lot from it, but I have worked on my own trading a lot more, refining it and am almost exclusively using price action trading these days. And no, price action doesn’t just mean one S/R area and one candle signal hahaha. People are so misled on these forums, sigh.

Take care,