Did You Set Trading Goals for 2023? How are You Doing So Far?

August is almost over and soon we’ll have just 4 months left before another year is done. It’s a good time to ask ourselves goal-related questions because we still have enough time to either reach them or do some reassessing!

For those who did their goal-setting work earlier this year, how far or close are you to reaching them?

Or maybe you didn’t set trading goals but something else instead? Either way, we’d love to hear how you’re progressing!


I set a goal to go back to live trading before the end of the year. I can’t go back prematurely. If I can’t trade profitably in demo, there’s no reason to believe I can trade live profitably.

My demo account balance is draining slower than before, but it’s still doing down. I’m learning, though.

Fall down seven times, get up eight. Keep going!!

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So many things happened this year that I feel like I’ve already forgotten about the trading goals I set for myself. :confused: I wish I were in a better place and headspace so I can maybe use the remaining months to get closer to my goal (which was only just to trade more and regularly). :sweat:

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My goal was to read a trading book, which I started, and then fell off of. I’m switching to video lessons! Wish me luck.

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I set a goal to keep my trading journal active but also got derailed. Ty for this reminder!

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