Did you trade the 4th of July?

Itโ€™s been a whileeee! :blush: I wanted to greet our American friends here on time, but I got off work late today. :sweat_smile: Hahaha. How did you guys celebrate the 4th of July? Did you open any trades or just enjoyed the celebration? :smiley:

I traded Gold on the 4th of July and and made some profits, though there was a quick reversal, but I was able to hit TP before the reversal


I literally just did house chores yesterday lol. No trading nor celebration for me!


Good for you! :blush: No celebrations though? :smiley: Hope you still had time to enjoy with your loved ones. :blush:

Some people consider cleaning the house as therapeutic so maybe thatโ€™s your own version of celebration? :sweat_smile: At least it was productive though! :smiley:

Yeah but now Iโ€™m thinking maybe I should have just lounged around :joy:

I traded. Well, I monitored my trades, and opened just one position. No celebration for me. Iโ€™m focused on studying.

Of course, I could hear the fireworks all evening.