Difference between demo and Live?

Could someone please outline the differences between demo accounts and live accounts, I have seen stuff like slippage menioned etc, not sure what this is?

A description of the main differences would be great.


Hi, many topics was created which talk about this :grinning: check this simple search Search results for 'demo vs real' - BabyPips.com Forex Trading Forum Regards Greg

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  1. Different risks: Forex demo accounts do not need to bear any risks, real accounts need to bear any risks.
  2. The simulated funds are different: The simulated accounts will have different amounts of simulated funds that can be used for simulated order placement and can be opened on the dealer’s platform. The real accounts are operated with real funds.
  3. Different trading systems: Telephone trading systems cannot be used for demo accounts, and telephone trading systems can be used for real accounts.
    4.The process of operation is different: everything in the process of using the demo account is free and does not require any funds, the real account is charged.

there is no technical different between demo and live , but we can see more difference when result come out. its all about psychology.

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yes it is. in demo there is no emotions , so we the traders trade here at random with no analysis. but in live we become more serious and cant avoid emotions.

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Not entirely true. On demo, sometimes you dont see widening spreads, slippage, failed execution or partial fills.

Right! A demo acc helps you get an idea of how a trading platform works. You can trade via a demo acc without using your funds and can even test your strategies on it.the purpose is to give an idea of how platform works. Real acc trading is different as your funds are involved and traders experience a range of emotions.

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It is also good for testing new strategies.

One thing I understand is that there should not be a difference, as in amarkets, other than a monetary difference.

No, it should not.

Demo is a testing environment. Quotes, liquidity, commission may differ.

in order to my trading experience i think there is no difference between demo and live , its all about psychological difference , nothing without it.so try to take control of your mind and take control the forex Market.

Despite the fact that the demo is a good simulator, it is fundamentally different from real trading. And yes, you have completely different emotions in the real market. And you are not always ready for them - this is the most accurate description of reality.

It’s easy for me both in demo and real market, the main thing here is always to work responsibly, even if you realize that you have nothing to lose.

Demo was pretty boring for me just because I didn’t make actual $! :sweat_smile:

Just saw this one recently, may be of help!

My transition from demo to real trading was very difficult, it turned out that I am nervous a lot and can easily lose my mind if something goes wrong. But it should be noted that with time it passes.

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That has been my experience too. How long did it take you?

one thing what was different was the overnight fees lol