Differences between your life with trading and without trading

Helloooo! :blush: I’ve been reading through the posts here, and I just noticed that there are a lot of new people posting. :blush: Suuuper exciting! :smiley: I think it’s nice that you’re comfortable here! :smiley: And while I have you, I’m just curious. How different is your life today (that you trade forex) from your life before forex? :blush:

Hey Ria! You were like one of the first to welcome me to the community and you challenged me (helpfully) about my strategy. I was confused and excited to be trading and didn’t know quite how to answer. Trading has been like life; up and down. I know enough to know I know nothing. At this point, I’m trading on a 1h looking at 4h and daily for trends and 15 and 30m for entry. Using divergence and convergence…so much to say, but I never forgot you. But to answer, trading has gotten me off of social media so much, and watching charts and studying. Thanks for all you do!


It’s taught me discipline and the importance of continuous learning. How about you—any new interests or hobbies recently?


OMG HUHU I hope I didn’t say anything rude or anything like that?! :sob: I’m so sorry if I did. But I hope you’re liking it here. :blush:

I feel you. :smiley: At one point, when I was starting out, I was so focused that I barely spent time on social media. But then I eventually got curious about Tiktok and I’ve been hooked since. :sweat_smile: Just curious though, do you consider this to be a good change or a bad one? :smiley:

Hmm. :thinking: No new hobbies and hobbies for me. :open_mouth: But because of trading, I’ve overcome my fear of numbers. :stuck_out_tongue: