Discussion On Stop Order Strategy

I am replying your post because I want to do you a favor. Just don’t forget, I’m only going to do it once.

Before you edited your post, you had said “[I][B]This guy is a pro at taking your money[/B][/I]”, then you changed it to “[I][B][B]This guy is a pro… Just not at what you think he is.[/B][/B][/I]”

You are accusing him downright of being a scammer. Based on what? Intuition? If you have any evidence please produce them and report him as scammer. If you don’t, then go find evidence and let us know. And I don’t think you’re doing it just to help us, but you only enjoy trolling like this. Just because you have been fooled like this before doesn’t mean everyone helping others is a scammer. I’ve never been fooled by pseudo-experts of forex, I am not a fool. I don’t think other participants are fools either. Just leave us alone and go find something else to spedn your precious time.

Now I am kindly asking you not to post on this thread again, which I am sure you will though. If you go on trolling like this I will report you.


I am replying your post because I want to do you a favor. Just don’t forget, I’m only going to do it once.

Before you edited your post, you had said “This guy is a pro at taking your money”, then you changed it to “This guy is a pro… Just not at what you think he is.”

You are accusing him downright of being a scammer. Based on what? Intuition? If you have any evidence please produce them and report him as scammer. If you don’t, then go find evidence and let us know. And I don’t think you’re doing it just to help us, but you only enjoy trolling like this. Just because you have been fooled like this before doesn’t mean everyone helping others is a scammer. I’ve never been fooled by pseudo-experts of forex, I am not a fool. I don’t think other participants are fools either. Just leave us alone and go find something else to spedn your precious time.

Now I am kindly asking you not to post on this thread again, which I am sure you will though. If you go on trolling like this I will report you.[/QUOTE]

Lol like I said… I’m only saying it once… More for being able to say “I told you so” then for actually helping you… I could not care less if novices lose money.

Don’t worry… I won’t be posting here unless it’s to respond to posts directed at me.

I guarantee you, noone will talk about you here. Thank you.


I guarantee you, noone will talk about you here. Thank you.[/QUOTE]

Give it 2 months :slight_smile: that’s about how long it took him last time.

Without being overly palpable, the Pizza clearly thrives on reaction, so I’m hoping this will be the last response he/she will get.

Hopefully so. When I ignored him, it said it prevents him from posting on this thread.

I just set up the group and sent the invitations. It’s called “The Breakout Study Group”. Couldn’t find any fancy name, sorry.

It’s an invite-only group. I think it’s open to public view yet closed to intrusions. In case anyone from the outside wants to ask questions, we keep this thread open so we can answer. All other dialogue related to the group studies and materials should be kept on the group forum.


Hi Metin,

Have you sent out the invites?



I had sent it to one HasanF.

Cancelled that and invited you.

Ok thanks got both now so will have a read through

[QUOTE=“metin;542416”] Hopefully so. When I ignored him, it said it prevents him from posting on this thread. I just set up the group and sent the invitations. It’s called “The Breakout Study Group”. Couldn’t find any fancy name, sorry. It’s an invite-only group. I think it’s open to public view yet closed to intrusions. In case anyone from the outside wants to ask questions, we keep this thread open so we can answer. All other dialogue related to the group studies and materials should be kept on the group forum. Regards[/QUOTE]

Hey Metin,

Can you send me an invite to this group please? I’m very keen to follow this topic.


Would just like to observe only. Pls give me an invitation. Thank you.

But if it is still the same thread here, then I will just observe here. Thank you.

Hi Zane et al,

Peter chooses who will join and currently he has decided that we won’t have more members.

The content is public so everyone can view, also we’ll keep this thread open for communication with everyone else.


Thanks. Will be looking forward to all your future success. :slight_smile:

FYI, everyone.

The group is now called Random Walk Group and managed by Peter.

Ok so is my invite on or off, I had accepted the original invite, be handy to know as invested a few pounds in books as requested.


Hi Seajah,

The previous group is deleted as Peter told me he would create another one. Now invitations are managed by him as well.

Hello everyone, what you guys are doing here is fantastic, Im looking forward to observe and learn as much as I can. Thanks to everyone willing to put their time and effort and share it with the rest of us.

OK well that explains why the group disappeared

At the moment its only yourself and peter in that group so if I get one I join if not I be billy no mates LOL

I will watch with interest


I cannot speak for Peter but let me share what I think of it as I understand.

Peter wanted to downsize the group in order to facilitate the communication. Only he will not oversee any study outside the group but everything will remain public. The reason we have a separate forum is only to block some people disturbing the communication here. Please do not see it as an us and them thing. So, it’s all mates here :slight_smile:


Hey guys I am going to cut the group down further. I don’t get much commitment form Sami and will have problems trading the London opening, Wolivier I also apologise that I cannot handle a large group so I need to ask you to step aside. You are all free to observe the process

So the final group will comprise the following


Considering that I trade full time a larger group would be logistically to difficult for me. So apologies to the others and hopefully you will get plenty of knowledge through observation.

Apologies but I need to look after my commitments.[/QUOTE]

Its actually sad to see u cross out my name…i was quarter way through the book that you had assigned.you are right though, i would not have been available for the london open but for the new york open. Although i do understand what you had to do to keep ur team controllable and easy to manage.
I am still not going to give up on these threads.as Steidlmayer said"when i realized that I could acquire a learnin process with which i could go forward and gain experience that would ultimately produce knowledge" and knowledge is what i am here for.
Cant wait to see these two threads prosper in the future.