Discussion On Stop Order Strategy


one quick question… when you say PIVOT calculation for EUR… is that mean PIVOT calculation for EURUSD?

same question for other currencies…please clarify?

thanks in advance for your time and help


Hi Peter,

I’m attaching my assignment. (It doesn’t upload .docx files, so I did a .txt file)


Thanks Peterk, Yes im following your group… Good Going.


You need to understand that people have commitments, I am 23 and work around the clock to support my family so if I can not reply at a certain time then this must be for a valid reason. You seem to talk to people like you’re better than them because you’ve been trading for a long time. You’ve got a very bad attitude and need to learn how to talk to people, I won’t say too much as I appreciate you included me in the group initially but in future learn to be a little more patient.

When you reply, don’t submit your post by “Post Quick Reply” but click on the “Go Advanced”. You’ll see an attachment icon. Click on it and upload your file. It doesn’t accept .docx files though. It must be .doc or .txt

[QUOTE=“metin;543247”] When you reply, don’t submit your post by “Post Quick Reply” but click on the “Go Advanced”. You’ll see an attachment icon. Click on it and upload your file. It doesn’t accept .docx files though. It must be .doc or .txt[/QUOTE]

Hi Metin,

Thank you for your reply, but Peter has decided to remove me from the group as I don’t have baby pips glued to my forehead and can not reply when he wants to. Thank you for your time anyways.


[QUOTE=“peterk;543169”]Metin and Paul (And I hope that Hassan is still around)

You guys graduated with flying colours.

I have attached the spreadsheet that simulates a coin toss. I am not going to explain it in detail. It is raw because I did not want to spend hours designing one with bars etc like the previous example. If you look at sheet 1 you will see that it comprises of a random generator (column B), the simulated coin toss (Column C - heads number one and tails number two), Column D is the accumulation of the coin tosses.

As you can see many of the technical patterns for technical analysis are there in front of your eyes. You can also see that there are significant trends generated with adjacent units that are independent.

Again I would like you to forget technical analysis altogether and develop a real understanding of the market - as Steidlmayer says Market Understanding X you = results.

Okay guys Babypips will not accept my excel sheet. Please do the following and play around at home.

  1. Cell B1 - enter 0.5
  2. Cell B2 - enter the following formula RAND()-$B$1 - random generator (heads above zero and tails below)
  3. Cell C2 - enter the following formula =IF(B2<0,1,-1) - 1 for heads and -1 for tails
  4. Cell D1 - enter 100
  5. Cell D2 - enter D1+C1

Highlight and pull it down as far as you would like. 500 cells might be enough.

Highlight column D and place it in a line chart ( not bars)

That is it - a time series - use F9 to generate different samples and watch the beautiful trends, support and resistance lines, Double tops and bottoms etc.[/QUOTE]

If i may are you applying the monti carlo system by randomizing everything…

Peter just logged in I’m on a short break in Mallorca ,left early friday back On monday evening so would be fully operational from tuesday . Apologies was not sure on time table for the work I’m still committed . Will look through all the threads details , can’t seem to comment on the new group you set up currently, just to confirm I’m based in uk.

Peter just logged in I’m on a short break in Mallorca ,left early friday back On monday evening so would be fully operational from tuesday . Apologies was not sure on time table for the work I’m still committed . Will look through all the threads details , can’t seem to comment on the new group you set up currently, just to confirm I’m based in uk.[/QUOTE]

You are unable to comment as you’ve probably been removed from the group also.

Just to confirm on homework and any extra that may be added tomorrow will get that over to you 2300 gmt on Tuesday, only have limeted access while im away.

Peter mentioned a couple of things on various posts like material for reading and things to do. I thought it’d be better if put all of them in one place.


  1. Steidlmayer on the Markets Trading With Market Profile
  2. The Logical Trader by Marc Fisher
  3. Judgement in Managerial Decision Making by Max Bazerman
  4. Risks
  5. Probability and Dependance
  6. A Real Trading Edge, Quantified: Trading and Stop Management
  7. Principles of Successful Trading by Frank Dilernia
  8. Foundations of Technical Analysis by Professor Andrew Lo


  1. Keeping a record of daily, weekly & monthly pivots
  2. Demo-trading your instrument on coin toss (Slow Stoch on a small TF)


When you look at the trading this week, I would like you to observe:

  1. The struggle that takes place on the opening first hour
  2. The relation between the day’s trading and the pivots, both weekly and daily.
  3. What happens around the 50% marks
  4. Observe the activity that takes place when one player yields and the market moves away from the opening range.
  5. Watch for the battle to identify fair price – I am hesitant to use the terms support and resistance.

Hi Metin,

Did Peter explain you about Opening range?.. If yes, could you pls tell me what is it?

Hi Viajim,

There has not been anything Peter explained that didn’t go public. I think the Opening Range refers to the obvious moves that go beyond the “opening range”, as in the picture below. A couple of hours ago, USDJPY made a strong upmove and got rid of the opening range. This is how I understand it. But better wait for Peter’s explanation.

no problem peterk

Metin thanks for the summary got everything apart from (7.) maybe by tomorrow Peter can confirm my permissions / access…

Peter Enclose feedback regarding the charts you put and question thanks

Hi Metin,

Ive been following this thread and the Random Walk discussion with interest. Ive tried to revist the Random Walk Group and from what I see the comments have been removed or access to it has been altered. Im keen to keep in the loop with this as are others Im guessing. Do you know what is going on?

Great job here man, you really did a nice job with this. But something I still find hard sometimes is the candle sticks, please could you or anyone throw more light.

Same question as 65Futura, looks like Random Walk got locked down? Pity…

Hi Metin,
I’m a little confused? I can no longer view the Random Walk group on my profile.