Do anyone hae a trading tool ?
Can trade a lots of forex accounts at the same time?
Such as the this tool . But I hope a free tool if possible
Some Forex brokers provide this facilities on ask by default in Meta trader… One of my friend is using it…
My best trading tool is my practice experience and skill I got after some months trading . It make me bale to face real market. I use stop loss in trading to keep myself safe from unexpected high loss. Each trader develops his own way and tools for safe trading.
Do you [B][U]have[/U][/B] to keep on and on bumping threads from 2013 to offer no more than a trite generalisation, which doesn’t actually help anybody? There’s a problem with doing this: it pushes other, current threads off the first page.
Not at all, I don’t like to rely on such tools. I love to trade manually rather then to rely on some tools for profits.