Do currency pairs (EURUSD) effect the corresponding countries currency index (EXY) or do currency indexes effect currency pairs?

Do currency pairs (EURUSD) effect the corresponding countries currency index (EXY) or do currency indexes effect currency pairs?

Let’s say for the sake of argument that currency pairs move as a result of people trading goods and services between countries, and indices move as a result of people investing in that particular country’s currency. Doesn’t that mean that a currency pair can cause a country’s corresponding currency index to move, and a country’s currency index can also cause a corresponding currency pair to move? So in this case, couldn’t we say that it is vitally important when trading say EURUSD to watch both the EXY and DXY?

I want to understand the relationship between currency pairs and the corresponding country’s currency index. Can anyone provide any wisdom, knowledge, experience, and insight on this?

I can’t answer fully. I honestly had no idea that there were additional currency indices, I have only ever heard of DXY. But I do recall heaing that 40% of DXY is EUR, so I suspect the answer from someone who knows is likely to be Yes.

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Thanks for the reply! From my research, I was only able to find certain currency indexes on TradingView. Namely DXY(USD), BXY(GBP), JXY(YEN), AXY(AUD), and EXY(EUR). There may be more but I have not been able to locate them yet. I am certain that all currency indexes can be found online, just maybe not in TradingView.

Currency indices are a formula of that currency against a basket of other currencies with different weightings typically determined by the volumes traded between them.

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