Do i need to know everything on the course?

i am almost half way through the course and am finding all ths new information quite overwhelming! do i need to know all of the content, or should i only learn the stuff that i think is usefull?

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Hi, you wont know what’s useful until you learn it all and try using it. It’s TRUE you dont need everything in the course but how do you know what parts you dont. It might just take one piece of information in that course to make you profitable. What part is it? Take notes and do the course twice, more if required. Do it with a demo so you can use what it teaches you and determine what fits your lifestyle and personality.


When you start learning any new subject, don’t try to be a sponge absorbing every drop of knowledge that is lying around or which falls from the sky.

You need to learn enough to achieve your objectives. Set these out, and then form a learning plan to direct you towards the answers you need.

This is a business. We are here to make a profit., As an example, you will have seen that a business will carry out market research before they launch a new product, let’s say its soap. Do they just send research staff into the street and ask them to learn what they can about soap? No, they really want to know how the firms already selling soap are making profits and how they can make some profits also. So the researchers have, say, 25 standard questions. After they get their 25 answers, they have completed their “learning plan” and they stop questioning, because now its time for action.


I would suggest going through the course in its entirety, at least once. Learning something thoroughly involves getting familiar with its aspects that you may not find useful.

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Like most things in life if you try to take a short cut , in long run it was the wrong choice. No trouble stripping out the parts that are not needed once you understand the whole process however in order to strip out you need to know what they were first


I can only add to what has already been said. You don’t know what you don’t know.
And trust me, Babypips won’t make you a successful trader. It only lays the foundation for brand new traders. It’s a fine place to start, but please don’t risk your own money until you have some decent chart time on your name. Good luck!

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Nice analogy Tommor - I like it.

Thank you,I’ve used it before.

I think I did say once that we shouldn’t be like sponges - sponges don’t have brains and they don’t trade.

So true albert , keep trucking fella

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Unfortunately, this is true everywhere in life, I think.

It’s best to read through every lesson. But I don’t think it’s realistic to perfect everything at once.

Perhaps practice with one indicator at a time. Then, work your way through as many as possible. You’ll come up with questions whose answers are in the material you already read.

That’s what I’m doing. Re-read lessons as you develop your trading.

All I need to know about Amarkets is they are based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. This country of 101,000 population is so far below financial regulators’ radar that it is underwater.

Get as far as yu can - to think you know enough - open a demo account and bet your knowledge.

Then learn som emore and bet some more on DEMO - when you have developed a system which works for you and makes consistent profits - you have learned enough.

BBP School just gives you a basic glimpse of many facets.

Once you have an idea of teh way to trade which suits your personality - You can Start to learn those subjects oin more detail.

All the best


Yes, you need all the information but not just at once. As you begin to trade you’ll find yourself going back to certain topics to relearn the information. Try to think of it as a process and not a burden.


I went through the school of pipsology twice and still don’t feel like I’ve grasped it all. Even so, I wish I had started practice trading on a demo account much sooner. Real learning begins once you apply what you have been studying. Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”

But all that being said, I personally wouldn’t even think about trading actual money in a live account yet. Cuz as Mike Tyson said, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

Do you know what content is useful and what content is not?

If you do then the answer is obvious, get straight to what work and stop wasting your time.

But I will guess that you dont know. You will only know in hindsight what is useful to you and what could have been omitted to save you time.

Completing the course is just the beginning though, not the end.

The author would be advised to consider whether he needed it at all. If necessary, the answer will be obvious. If you want to make money, you should know everything about what you’re dealing with.

The more you’ll learn the better you get. Having half knowledge about trading and still risking money on it is not an appropriate attempt. It would always be better to know everything you can through the course, go for the demo, and then when you feel confident about risking into trade, go for it. That would increase your chances of doing good trade.