Sorry, noob question, do these really work in the long term?
I’ve looked at a lot of them and they just seem to work in certain market conditions and then blow the bank when the conditions are wrong for the bot.
Anyone actually tried one, or more?
Sorry, noob question, do these really work in the long term?
I’ve looked at a lot of them and they just seem to work in certain market conditions and then blow the bank when the conditions are wrong for the bot.
Anyone actually tried one, or more?
Hello @skulkrinbait
I will preface this by saying that I do not do algorithmic trading, although lately the topic has intrigued me and I have begun to conduct some preliminary research.
From the research I’ve done so far, EAs can really work in the long term, but depends on how they get used. If you let an EA running on a chart and then you forget about it expecting to magically find a fantazilion dollar on your account after a year, you will probably get disappointed
Several people involved in algorithmic trading don’t create overly complicated EAs. Instead, they prefer to develop simple ones (based on almost trivial ideas, yet carrying their own statistical significance) and in large numbers. For example, you might have an EA working on asset A that uses a simple moving average crossover, another for asset B that focuses on volatility, another one for asset C that relies on divergences, and so on.
In my opinion, the right approach is building a sort of EA portfolio that can be rotated depending on the asset’s characteristics over time. For instance, if asset A starts trading within a range, an EA that follows trends using moving averages might not work well. In that case, that EA would be sidelined in favor of one better suited for range trading, perhaps one based on an oscillator.
These are just a few of my personal ideas
I started with my EAs in 2022 on my live Account (Demo 2 years earlier). And they’re profitable.
Thanks, can you share any of them?
Writing a bot that is profitable with good risk management is very difficult. Most that you see are grid, martingale or over fitted to a period of data to look great but fail in forward testing.
I have profitable bots that I’ve created, but I’m not sure why you think someone is going to give you it when I’ve spent years learning how to code and trade.
Totally fair enough just wondered if he’d bought one and was willing to share.
I’ve always imagined that the people promoting EAs in trading forums are making their money by selling EAs, not by using them.
When you look at the profit claims made for these things, it’s very difficult indeed to understand why anyone would want to sell one for a few hundred bucks rather than just letting them run and build up an account and more or less retiring on the income they generate. But it’s a bit like people selling “gambling systems,” I think: perhaps the buyers are collectively a bit desperate and rather gullible?
Perhaps I’m completely wrong and they’re all living on their yachts in the Caribbean and (for some reason I don’t quite understand) just selling a few extra copies of their magic software for charities, or to pay the deck-hands to clean up after their daily parties?
You can see some of the EAs that I have running live on the demo testarea account here.
You will notice that there are no grids or martingale gambling EAs if you are looking for them.
Excellent, over 100% gain in a year - what happened between Dec 17th and 19th?
What is this trading, Forex or something else?
About a 50% win rate and 1.2 ratio is nice, 4-5 trades a day too, so it isn’t trading a huge amount which I thought these might.
What language do you write these in?
I’m sorry, but I don’t have a yacht or anything like that.
But you’re right, when EAs are offered for sale on forums, it’s usually some grid or martingale crap. Why is that? Because you can generate such nice profit curves with them.
It always annoys me because the algotraders who have really good EAs are dragged through the mud.
I also had to learn the lesson back then and lost money. But after 10 years of experience you are much wiser. I no longer sell EAs either. That was also a lesson learnt. Now I only sell signals where I think it’s a good deal for both parties.
Just have to double more times than you blow the account.
I may have a go myself, I have programmed computers for 40 years now, would be very interesting to do this, even if it didn’t make money.
Is it hard to learn, I am old now and new things don’t come easy like they used to! Is it similar to SQL or some other language?
OMG ChatGPT can write these, watch me blow my bank!
It’s like C++. If you’re familiar with that… Have fun!
Naaa, no ai at the moment. Machine Learning is okay, but no ai with it’s lies, excuses and poor work moral.
Ah it’s like C
Sorry, getting excited now…
I am using this with my demo account BTW
For the best really.
So 22 errors with ChatGTP, seeing if Deep Seek can debug it.
3 errors…
AI is rubbish.
Somehow I suspected this, even without really knowing what ChatGPT and Deep Seek are.
It contains menthol and other stuff, used to treat backache and arthritis.
Deep Seek maybe. ChattyGPs aren’t so bad. They do give some better medical advice, after all.