Hi all. Good website here I must say. I’ve been reading quite a bit, went through the school etc. Got a few questions though. I would like to order some books through Amazon or whatever so I can study up before I actually put some of my hard earned student refund check money on the line-Forex style. Do we have an essential book list here?
You’ll find a lot of useful books listed in the link before. I’ve read a few of them and their quite good and will help.
I would definitely reccomend Mark Douglas’ “Trading in the Zone” or TITZ as I’ve seen it before. There is a thread somewhere on this forum (its a sticky by Pipcrawler) that has a good list of books to read.
Well Soul, isnt that funny lol:p
I got this for you
go to listmania search on amazon and look for “forex”, there’s plenty of good lists
Haha, step ahead of you bud