Do You Currently Take Less Than 5 Trades Per Day?

@Calla @THE_GOATE am I wrong? doesn’t the sum of those numbers on the right side result to only about 1,50 ? Please correct me if i’m wrong.
and yes, actually I prefer spending time at the gym or outside or with friends or so many other things, even my 9 - 5 job (actually it’s 7 - 3 job) makes fun since I’m head of department. There’s no way to offend and get aggressive, did I spot a weak point? :smiley:
who said i’m failing at forex ? xDD I just anweserd your question about how often we take trades… but i guess i know to what this “conservation” will lead… so just continue that way and i will continue my way. happy trading. please don’t reply, it’s time to turn off the screens and meet some friends. Happy trading :smiley:

So what’s your monthly profit with your strategy? How long have you been using it?

I dont know how my response to your post could be construed as being aggressive or me taking offense. I explicitly stated that I wasnt offended. For your information and for other readers that account was replenished on the 26th and I was in my second day of trading. The tab on the right of the image shows there are other trades below so your thing about 1.50 is off. People are so quick to find fault they seem blind to everything else, lol.
And congrats on your nice job. I know people down here in Jamaica who have to be out in burning sun all day digging yam hills IN Clay.

i do, yes, on average

not much less, but a little bit

i’m semi-retired, now, so i don’t want to put in all the hours i used to

specifically, i don’t really bother with Monday mornings or Friday afternoons/evenings, and will miss other times if it’s convenient and my wife wants to drag me out somewhere, or whatever

i used to do about 5 per day on average, maybe about 6 per day sometimes

i think you’re much younger than me; after decades, that can wear off a little :slight_smile:

i was lucky i never had any “burn-out”, as some full-time traders do, but i’m still happy to do a bit less now

no, that would be a bit too little, even for me, i agree

i can see how someone trading only a couple of pairs and using daily charts might not manage more than that … i do agree with what i think is your implied point that they’re perhaps making their experience slower to accumulate, though

well, i can’t agree with you there - i think that might be counterproductive in the other direction, and not give them enough time to think, absorb, observe, analyze in detail and so on

there must be some kind of “happy medium”, somewhere? but people’s circumstances vary a lot, too, and many people taking up forex trading have pretty limited time for it?

so overall, i’m not sure if there’s a one-size-fits-all, objective, “correct answer” to this question, really - i suspect probably not? :expressionless:


I’m a simple fellow too lol. I haven’t knocked your strategy fella just replying to your post

Yes I know that as with most things in life there is no one size fits all when it comes to forex trading. I simply thought it would be interesting to get the perspectives of my fellow traders out there. When I said 100 plus trades per day what I really meant is for new traders to put in the work and get the practice to perfect their strategy.


Well it does seem so to me. This after you didnt even answer the question I was asking in the first place so one is left to wonder.
I see a notification that this is the first time you are posting though so glad I was able to draw you out.

The 9-5 thing wasnt directed to you but i was joking anyway. Thegoate seems to have found his edge which i can only respect and if you want to work a 9-5 do you. Im trying to never have to begin one

Ive also never commented on such a thread before but i always read the head question of the emails babypips sends out and when this one appeared today i guess it inspired us enough to set up an account

Welcome, and dont be a stranger. Feel free to jump in on any topic that interests or irritates you.

Depende i’m not forcing My traders i SEE trades where are not…sometiendo one for a day…if the trend is stromg i Open MANY positions on that and thats it…sometimes 1trade in 3 days…and others can Open 5 incday for the entire week…yo MUST be selective and sniper…

In defence of our learned friend Steve369, I did not interpret his response as critical of your post. There was a time long ago when I used to take 5 to 20 trades per day, and in my experience that was the fastest way to destroy your bank. At least I had paid good money for some training as a newbie, but that didn’t stop me reaching a 30% drawdown on bank after about 400 trades, and deciding to cease trading until I could demonstrate an edge.

More than 10 years later, trading is a far less important pastime for me. I am in the category you described as “well perhaps if I were super busy”. I still wrestle with four income streams, and right now the trading has taken a back foot. I’d say that my total trades over the past year have amounted to fewer than one per week, and I am comfortable with that rate and the outcomes.

Your statement “I could have responded differently but I am trying to be civil.” is reminiscent of some past forum members who just seem to want to annoy or belittle other forum members, and I certainly do not see the point of wasting your valuable time on such outbursts. Please take a chill pill - we are here to help each other, not for a slanging match:



I find myself taking two trades per day. At most four. This is because I don’t trade unless I think the setup suits me.


@mondeoman You still dont know his risk management oldhead. That being said @goate how would your stategy handle a large amount of consecutive losses

I hear you boss man and I appreciate the input.

I dont know how to handle a large amount of consecutive losses because my strategy does not cater to that, lol.

Your 20 trades a day minimum is my maximum even if just scalping, and I very rarely reach my maximum.
Consider you may be overtrading – depending on the position size.
Focus on quality, not quantity, lest you will blow your account sooner or later.
Don’t let your emotions/ anxiety rule your trading decisions. Patience is key.
Incorporate a lower maximum into your trading plan and stick to it.
If you can’t control that urge to trade, then go back to demo and practice there.

This above is from past experience.
Good luck on your trading journey.

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wow that is a really challenging question
less than 5 trades a day
man that is a lot of trade for a day if you are a full time trader i think it is a lot of trade
i try to make 4-5 good trades in a weak i dont know if i am right or no

Two trades per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, it’s all you need and can beat anyone here with profitability, helped along with a 9:1 win:loss ratio and endless amounts of leverage, less is more but you kind of need to come from a different background than most people to understand it.


I would say I take an average of 5 trades per day. I say “average” because I often hold my positions for days, but scale in regularly until I’m at my maximum risk exposure for each instrument.

The goal is to make profits consistently, but the ultimate goal is to have a second source of income (I work full time), and to do that you need to be aggressive and obviously have a profitable strategy.

Also, it seems that most of your threads devolve into arguments. But, I feel that’s your intention, to “Goat” others into challenging the way you trade. GOAT is also an acronym for “Greatest of all Time”. Fitting!

I’ll just grab my popcorn for the remainder of this thread…

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