Do you follow your trading rules?

How many people here break their own trading rules and how many times?

Is it a continuous problem which causes you to lose money?:18:

In general I follow my rules, but I tend to break them maybe once every six weeks. Easiest way to book a loss and get you back to reality lol.

Generally, I try to follow my rules in all conditions but sometimes feel greed or fear and brake trading rules. However I did not count so far.

i like what the last bear said lol hihhihihihi :smiley:

I try to follow my rules as closely as possible, because when I don’t I only cause myself trouble.

Forex trading business is the most sensitive profession! And nobody can success here without following trading rules! Definitely, you have to respect your trading strategy and targets! In my initial stage of trading I was unable to maintain my trading discipline because of my emotions! But, mow I know how to trade here as like a pro trader!

Most problem during trading is about emotion, actually as trader also realized if obey rules trading is better than greedy, but sometime because desired to making quick profit hence as trader being reckless and making rush in trading without patience.

If you have a set of rules then you should follow them, because they are there for a reason. What is the cause of making rules if you aren’t going to follow them in your trading?

Unfortunately I don’t follow my rules nearly as much as I should and I just lose money because of it. Discipline is only one factor for successful trading, but is a crucial factor indeed.

I have my own rules which I’ve made up during trading on demo account. But when I switched to real one, everything seemed more complicated due to emotions. Yes, I didn’t follow the rules and met losses. So, it’s really very impostant to follow them.
Now I’m trying to get to descipline. It’s hard but possible to do.

Making decisions about trades when influenced by strong emotion, be it negative or positive, rarely leads to anything good, which is why it is so important to learn to keep a cool head at all times while trading.