Do you guys go on other social media sites for trading conversations?

Yes, TradingView has a community feature where traders and investors can interact

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Reddit is great but pretty chaotic and confusing.


Yup it is. I feel like it’s hard to keep track of the members too, just a bunch of random people posting.

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I genuinely think that Babypips is the best out there!

As well as posting more regularly here on Babypips, I have also recently started using Twitter and Instagram (@danlondonfx) to help document my small account challenge. Traditionally, I have always eschewed social media but there’s no point doing a small account challenge if no one is actually interested enough to follow your journey!

However, so far on those other platforms, there seems to be a paucity of genuine dialogue about trading. Instead, it seems like most people are either trying to get you to use their prop firm affiliate links, sign you up to their signals group, or else just posting absolute rubbish.

Here’s an example of a tweet I came across earlier today:

Screenshot 2023-04-17 22.39.54

I really don’t know what’s worse, the tweet itself or the fact that I actually took the time to tweet a reply!

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i haven’t checked twitter over trading. but i have checked fb for some technical analysis. i found @babypips more arranged and useful.

What forex subreddits do you guys follow? Anything interesting out there?

Lol. You were being kind!!!

Ugh I’m saying! I keep seeing the same too! Like I feel like this is the most popular thing right now in the space aside from SMC. o_O

I check the boring /forex lol. Not sure if there are others out there.

That’s really the only one I’ve ever wandered around. Perhaps I’m missing out on other gems.

Same. Waiting if others will chime in with other subs.

Not to be a stick in the mud, but how much social media does one need?

Well, I guess I am being a stick in the mud.

And shouldn’t trade discretion come from the trader and the strategy? Shouldn’t trades be independent of influence from others?

I’m not saying BP members SHOULDN’T go on other sites for trading conversation. I just think it makes more sense to choose one or the other. Perhaps we can aim to be more productive in life that spending so much free time chatting online.

Of course, to each his own.

Yeah this makes sense. Otherwise no trades will ever be placed, only posts written :joy:

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Perhaps it’s more productive to spend time trading and studying, rather than defending one’s strategy online?

We argue with people about whose strategy is better and why. We substitute our success in trading with success in the argument. In reality, we’re just trying to defend our ego so we can feel validated in our strategy and trading process–regardless of what our account margin says.

I’ve fallen for this for sure. If I argue with someone here, it’s really because I’m looking for a distraction from trading. I need something to occupy the front of my brain, so the back of my brain can kick a few ideas around. So, that serves its purpose. But I shouldn’t be arguing with anyone about strategy at all. I don’t have to defend what I’m doing, nor does anyone else here.

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The occasional tweet to a chartist or analyst is as far as I’ve gotten on social media. It’s more ingesting content than giving back, sadly.