Do you have any forex superstitions?

That’s understandable! :blush: You need time to process what went wrong after a huge loss, and you need time to celebrate after a huge win. :stuck_out_tongue: Haha.

No, I don’t believe in any forex superstitions. I want to learn and understand the natural process.

Same here! Do not believe in any kind of superstitions.

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I do not support superstitions. As a trader you should also distance yourself from these types of mentality.

Nope. I don’t believe in it…

Totally fine! :blush: Hahaha. And I guess a lot of the “superstitions” shared here are done and said mostly just for the fun of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t believe in any kind of superstitions.

Whenever I wake up from right side of the bed, my trades go really well. It is not superstition but it happens.

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Hahaha! That’s great. :stuck_out_tongue: You need to find a way to keep waking up on the right side of the bed then. :smiley:

That’s fine! :blush: I just happen to live in a country that has lots and lots of superstitions so I just wanted to see if people have any trading-related ones. Haha. :smiley:

Everyone has their own opinions regarding superstitions. I personally feel that it is just a myth, actually it’s your efforts, skills and knowledge that decide your success or failure in forex.

True! The secret to success is efforts, skills and knowledge.

Even I don’t believe in any kind of superstitions.

No, I do not believe in superstitions. My dedication and knowledge are most important and this is what matters to me.

I don’t have any. And people who are superstitious will always see their superstition being true. Because our subconscious mind is always looking for clues to prove that our beliefs and thoughts are right. It does not look at the logic part. So, that is why we often have a bad trading day when we start trading while we are having a bad day in general. Our mind is a powerful tool but it can make our life worse if it goes out of control. And that is why a trader should work on emotional control.

Why is this thread so hilarious :rofl: I am just superstitious about what I wear while trading :joy: I only wear black when I am trading. Well, 90% of my clothes are black only. And I noticed whenever I trade wearing bright colored clothes, it does not end well. I think it is also about feeling confident while trading :blush:

No, I don’t have any Forex superstition. I believe in hardwork.

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Hardwork and dedication sure helps you go a long way! :blush:

Not much but I don’t trade when my left eye twitches. Crazy I know but I always lose when I trade during this.

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OMG. :open_mouth: Does it happen often? :open_mouth: Is it not a health condition?