Do you have to ENJOY trading to be a SUCCESSFUL trader?

If you don’t enjoy what you are doing then why do it ?

This definitely doesn’t apply to me cause I look forward to trading. :sweat_smile: But I guess some people treat it like work that they need to do to pay the bills? :open_mouth:

for me ,trading is super fun at one point ,but after you get profit and stable ,its only get boring ,youll wish time could pass 10x faster .forex is just small part of life ,not even a real one,no matter how successful in forex ,remember still work hard your daily job /business ,this is real life.

I don’t think it has to be enjoyable to succeed. David Paul said the more mechanical your strategy, the better. If you’re bored, you’ll probably be more mechanical.

Trading doesn’t have to be something you spend a lot of time doing. It’s an active form of investing. You open your platform, look around, place some trades, then you close your platform. For me, that’s ideal. Just a few hours would be great for me.

Anything more than a few hours, and you just found yourself another job. Instead of adding free time to your life, you just did the opposite. As for me, I enjoy forex, but I also enjoy other things.

However, if you love the charts and the thrill of looking for setups and seeing what’s going on in the markets, and you want to do that 12 hours a day, do your thing. As long as you’re content with your choices.

Yes, if you enjoy trading you can do it better than when you don’t enjoy it!
Make it as a hobby then you will never get bored doing trading.

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In a word: No

If you enjoy forex trading, then you are more likely to be successful as a trader. This is because you are more likely to stick with it and not give up when things get tough. When you enjoy something, you are more likely to be passionate about it and put in the hard work required to be successful.

I agree with the OP here. You should enjoy it but at the same time treat it like a serious profession too. Enjoying the process is important so that you don’t get bored of it and professionalism will keep you on track as a trader. Not everyday you trade will end on a good note and you must be able to deal with the non-enjoyable days too in order to become a successful forex trader.

Forex is extremely volatile and believing otherwise may cause you to take on more risk, jeopardising your trades. So, in order to be successful, avoid setting unrealistic goals.

It is true that there are two type of traders, one that want to pay the bills and the other is trading part time…

If a trader is not mentally at peace he would easily make errors and therefore cannot be successful
Trader needs to enjoy trading to be successful.

Trading doesn’t have to be your life’s work, but if it is and you take great pleasure in it, I can confidently say that you’ll find the process much less challenging. This interest has the potential to turn into a lucrative career in the foreign exchange market.

The only thing I enjoy about trading these days is the money, and I spend between 10 and 16 hours waiting for my trade set ups every day from 5pm Sunday until 5pm Friday. Some days there are no trades, I have a bad sleep pattern, I have lost a few girlfriends, and I have also developed bags under my eyes. I visit my doctor every 4 months and I am still healthy. That’s the story of my life

A lot of traders get into trading expecting quick & instant success, but there are many different pathways to the road of success, so, it is necessary to enjoy the process of trading because it helps you keep moving.


True that! Always enjoy while trading and aim to become a better trader.

I would say yes. One who joins forex only for money and does not enjoy the process will never become truly successful as a trader. We all are here for profits but just chasing profits instead of developing your skills will never benefit you in the long term. The learning phase will be quite long and hence you will have to find some joy in trading in order to attain long term success.

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When what you do is what you love to do. It improves the odds of succeeding in the same. It is a concept that has its roots in the past, but it bears repeating: if you truly enjoy what you do, you will keep at it without growing weary or moaning about the challenges. This is more than just a job or a business to you; it’s something you truly care about.

Yes I totally agree! Also if you ain’t motivated it is not worth doing.

I think that it is quite normal for everyone to be satisfied with their results. At least when I learned to work with a broker from Amarkets, I was really satisfied with the results of my work.

You definitely should enjoy trading. When you are happy with what you are doing, you perform well.

Please don’t think, pro traders always enjoy their trading sessions; they are also struggling since, it’s a lonely business! But of course, they know the way of recovery sessions!

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