Do you have to ENJOY trading to be a SUCCESSFUL trader?

Not at all. However, if you consistently make a profit in the market. You might enjoy it. But how can you enjoy your trading if you’re losing money?

It is true that you cannot be happy in this situation. But it is important to remember that losses are part of trading, so you should learn from your mistakes and analyse where you are going wrong.

If you want to stay in the market for the long-run, it is best for you to learn and enjoy constantly. If you are not enjoying what you are doing, you won’t be able to do it for long.

If I didn’t enjoy it I wouldn’t do it. But sure it can be done by some people

Yes you must enjoy trading but at the same time maintain your discipline throughout. When you enjoy trading, it will prevent you from trading with a resilient mindset and will help you make the right decisions. Since there is always a degree of uncertainty, it can be challenging to stay focused while engaging in the process of forex trading. This is why consistency is most important.

Trading is a business. Treat it like a business. Emotions do not play a part in this.

In reality, pro traders don’t focus on money; they just focus on their process! Yeah, money is important but they rarely focused on money!

Yes trading with a good mood and sound mind helps making rational decisions, which leads to higher profits. But we can’t always expect ourselves to enjoy it, especially when we are losing. In those times, take things slowly and learn to analyse where you went wrong.

Like any job, in order to stick at it and do the same thing tomorrow and the next day and the next day and so on you need to get something more from it than just money.

And every job is more enjoyable when you succeed in it.

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You have to actually; otherwise, it is not possible to do so. Losses are a part of the game, but that does not mean that you cannot enjoy trading as a whole.

i actually enjoy the process of learning forex ,the excitement and sleepless moment of new finding (and dissapointment afterward of course)

now forex is gratuated to me ,im in the phase which setting up stuff and start making big bucks ,hopefully get rip of daily job and struggles at asap.

as for forex ,now i feel empty ,that’s why i come back and read some post ,to remind me the good days of learning .

Developing the mindset to take forex trading as a sort of enjoyment, fun and thrilling activity can significantly enhance our mood, which can boost our productivity and focus when trading forex. It is true, unless and until we love a task, we cannot force ourselves to become proficient in it.
Personally speaking, developing trading psychology, and practising mindfulness has helped me to enjoy forex trading. This has now become a passion which I enjoy doing every day.

We enjoy trading when things go according to our perception , we get benefit from it. Success is only possible when we continously remind historical records and charts. So things get more interesting and enjoyable, that what will happen next, if we reach our goal or not.

If trading results are not in the way, we thought then we get frustrated and sometimes go in depression.

Yes! Of course. If you don’t enjoy what you do, then there is no use of doing it. And in trading, lack of interest could increase your overall risk.

Definitely, I enjoy trading to be a successful trader. We should trade more and more to now the markt well.

I can say for myself, I enjoy doing forex trading for me it’s a whole learning process that never ends.

Absolutely! I enjoy it too.

Usually yes, on days that everything I do seems to go downhill, definitely dont enjoy that.

I like this approach, especially the studying of where you took a lose and if you win, studying why you win - to become a better trader! .