Do you have to get personal strategy?

do you have to get a some personal strategy or you can just trade with the public known analysis you have learned like S&R moving averages ect ?

In some senses, there are only two strategies -

  1. buy because price is high (price has risen and is still rising), and
  2. buy because price is low (price has fallen but is not falling now nor rising yet).

Choice will be a matter of temperament, screen time available, risk tolerance etc.

Whatever strategy you use, someone else will have thought of it and have tried it or be still using it. Its impossible to think of a unique original strategy that works.

My advice would be don’t bother spending a lot of time on inventing a strategy. Spend it getting hold of other people’s simple strategies and test running them. If they’re well known, that’s probably because they are reliable and lots of traders are capable of making them work.

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Your strategy will set and fit not now it will take time and can be a mix of what you see around but fit to you peesonality…

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think also most stuff has already been used and is used …but every trader has his own flavor he needs to put in and make it "your"strategy… what works for one trader dont need to work for another one
so i would collect the pieces you see as useful and put together your very own puzzle :slight_smile:

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i ll advice you to get or create your own personal strategy! create your own trading rules and follow it! forget about the majority of public trading strategies! Bless you


How can this be good advice for a new trader which they can follow?

You might as well have told the Wright brothers all they had to do to fly was build a jet.

@Trueman23 you perfectly right! i love this:kissing_heart:

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