When I first began to trade my own capital, I have this delusion that the journey of trading for myself would be easy or a “get rich quick” scheme. But I soon realize that trading in forex is no easy task to accomplish.
I understood now that it was going to be hard work and take discipline and perseverance. What I did not understand was the psychological impact trading with your own capital has on you as a trader. For me this is my aha moment, because since then I started to earn some profits.
Many “Aha” moments watching the Volume and learning how the Smart Money operates versus the herd. It explains why 95% lose consistently. Like you said, the psychological side of it is a skill in itself too. I think it’s best dealt with after one has found his trading method over a long period of time, or else there are still grey areas and uncertain rules.
I agree you probably get a few aha moments a year xD!!!
my latest aha moment was this: Entry technique is less important than you think. More important is learning ways to limit risk and extend profits. I focused too much time trying to learn how to enter the market, I figured, once I find a good way to get in, THEN I will start learning risk management and trade management techniques. Really it should be the other way around.