Do You Read All the Responses In a Thread Before You Post a Response?

Yes I admit this is a silly question but I was just wondering.
When some threads have 500 plus responses I know it will be difficult to go through each and every one but what is your position if you dont mind me asking.

I read the daily queries and responses. If I want to join the party, I’ll respond also.

Really depends on the topic. I read one that was a couple hundred posts deep to catch up and then when I actually had something to add I did.

But other stuff, the 10000 replies discussions, I’m just jumping around reading and most of those people are long gone, so I don’t post there. there’s a super long price action topic I’m reading now.

I can’t - I have so many members set to “Ignore”.


If it’s too long I literally just read the 10/15 most recent replies.

How do you decide who to place on your ignore list?

Just like @ponponwei i read the 10/15 lines then jump to the last response.

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i normally do

if it’s too long but i have what seems a real reason for responding anyway, then i normally start my post by mentioning that i haven’t and apologising if i’m repeating something already said above

People who are arrogant, who promote a certain broker repeatedly, who have so little content to add they might be machines. Etc.

(You’re not on the list)