Do you spend a lot of time learning from others, watching Forex courses and training videos, copying trading systems that other people use? Do you think it’s much better to spend more time practicing trading and developing your own trading strategies?
Well, if your gonna practice no point doing it in a demo account. Micro account is perfect. If you can’t afford to lose $200 in a micro account then how are you going to feel when the market gobbles up your first $1000 in a live account. And while you practice there is plenty of time for research. Win Win!
I agree with both of you but I just wanted to hear what do others think about this. Honestly I watched hundreds of videos and courses, read plenty of books and thousands of forum posts but I only learned the basics that never helped me to make some money. When I started practicing and developing my own trading system I finally started to make money on a demo account. My system worked fine (over 100% in 6 months) but I didn’t have some strict rules…I only had rules when NOT to trade. Now, I can afford to lose $200 plus around $70 per month and I am writing a strict set of rules for my system and I will try to adjust it while losing/winning money by writing my trading diary. I hope you think that’s the right approach?!
What differences have you found between using a demo account and a real one? Is it just that now you have the pressure on risking real money and this might impair decision making or is there something else?
Learn to crawl, then walk, then run, then race. Success in the forex, is no different than anything else. Success or failure will depend on the decisions you make. You make a good decision by gathering all the relevant facts, list the relevant options, then pick the least of the evil.
If you start by having a good understanding of the basics through: babypips school, participating in the forum, utube video’s, google searches, sign up for relevant news letters and webinaires and practice what you are learning until it becomes second nature (crawl).
Then take your basic knowledge and makeup your personal trading plan (Walk). Base your trading plan on a trading method that will put the balance of probabilities on your side and give you more positive long term results than negative, apply a money management plan that will protect your account balance while building it and work your plan with patience and discipline (Run). Follow your plan consistently, adjust when it needs adjusting based on relevant information, relevant facts and always picking the least of the evils and lastly keep your mind open to always be improving. (Race)
Bro, you drastically under-estimate the power of human psyche. Trading is as much about learning about yourself as it is the markets, maybe more. Demo trading will teach you how to use your brokers platform, not how to trade. But take gp00053 words to heart, it’s a true journey of self discovery. You will be suprised how long a $200 account traded in 0.01 lots will last.
I spend a lot of time educating my self in a many different ways and yes sometimes I also spend some time to learn something from others but most of the time I’m trading on real and not demo account and learning from my mistakes.