Do you talk about your trading losses to anyone?

Yeah, I do share it with my colleagues who have similar interests as mine. It definitely helps me understand their point of view.

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No, I don’t talk to anyone about my losses, I write them in my journal.

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I do not tell anyone except my sister, who is also a trader. Sometimes I prefer to journal too.

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Well I usually don’t share about my losses to anyone because my friends get bored by my trading stories and my family will not understand anyway.

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Must be great to have irl colleagues who also trade! :blush: At least you have a group of friends who understand what you’re going through. :sweat_smile:

Journals are good too! :blush: We have a few members here who have trading journals and speak to them as if they’re real people, and it’s so interesting to read! :smiley:

Do you have any plans on creating a trading journal here? :smiley:

That’s so cool. :smiley: Was your sister the one who influenced you to try forex trading? :smiley:

Oh no. :frowning: If you need anyone to talk to who won’t get bored (and would probably be going through the same things), I’m always just around here! :blush: Haha. :smiley: