Do you talk about your trading losses to anyone?

I am someone who like to share things or any kind of emotions with my close friends and family, so yes I discuss my losses with them.

Yes, I talk to my best friend about losses. It makes me feel good and realise that trading is not all about profits. Forex is all about learning and improving yourself.

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Not really! I just like to keep my trading losses to myself. Because I feel people don’t really understand it from a trader’s point of view. But I do take time to journal everything and I even write how I feel after a bad trading day. This helps me a lot to clear my mind and move on.

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I don’t talk about my trading losses to anyone, I just note it down in a journal and revise it in case I need to change my strategy. The best traders learn from mistakes and try to get better at the game.

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Ooooh! :open_mouth: It must be fun to have a best friend who also trades forex. :blush: At least you really have someone you can run to for advice or suggestions. :blush: I wonder, do you ever feel pressured because of his trading wins? :thinking:

Having a journal really helps, I think! :blush: There are a lot of people here with super detailed trading journals that are very well-written too! :smiley: Do you think you’d ever consider creating a trading journal thread here? :sweat_smile:

That’s fine! :smiley: As long as you really take the time to learn from your mistakes. But, a set of fresh eyes might help you out also in case you missed anything! :blush:

Me too! I use a trading journal to record my trades and trading progress. So that I can then concentrate on what I do best while also identifying areas for improvement.

Yes, I talk about them with my family. We do discuss how our day went during dinner and talk about whatever happened at our work place and for me it’s just about how my trading day went. It is good to have someone to listen to your work related problems. Forex trading is also like a serious profession for me and I am happy I can get rid of the stress by talking it out.

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I only talk to a friend of mine. He is a trader too and understands what I am going through.

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It depends on the situation, really. Sometimes it’s best to learn how to rectify it on your own, while other times, it’s best to get another opinion so you can fix the situation and focus on recovering the loss. Honestly, I don’t really share my losses with anyone. I make notes in a journal and try my best to trade better in the future.


I usually discuss things with my friends. They are also involved in financial markets and hence we have a common objective & mindset. When there’s a group of likewise people who understand your problems, it gets easier to share your problems, losses and wins.


That’s so nice to hear. :blush: I love that your family is very supportive. :blush: I would think that a lot of traders don’t talk to their families about it cause after all, it’s about money and possibly losing it in a few trades. :open_mouth: But this is great. :smiley: Nice to be supported by the people who matter. :smiley:

Having irl trading friends is really an advantage, I think. :smiley: You can relate to each other on a whole nother level.

Ooh. :thinking: A case-to-case approach makes sense! Thanks for sharing that. :smiley:

Definitely! :blush: I don’t have irl friends who trade, so I really rely on this community when it comes to my trading problems and stresses. :sweat_smile:

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The only problem with sharing losses with others is that it could provide some relief, instead of seeking relief by analyzing losses.

When you share losses with each other, it could turn into you two laughing it off instead of trying to fix the problem.

It’s important to hold each other accountable.

No one in my family or friends know about financial markets so I am unable to communicate regarding my trading journey. I write about my wins and losses in my journal.

Yes, I have friends who trade forex and other markets as well. We share our goals, losses, and good days together. Kinda feel blessed.

That’s also an interesting perspective. :thinking: I didn’t really view it like that. But keeping each other accountable and trying to improve should definitely be part of the discussions on losses. :thinking:

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