Do you talk about your trading losses to anyone?

Definitely! :blush: I agree with you. :blush: I feel like, the main reason to share your losses is to learn from them. :thinking: And tbh, sometimes, reviewing losses with someone else can help fill in the gaps that you didn’t see when you first opened the trade. :open_mouth: I, for one, would really appreciate having people tell me what I could have improved rather than missing the same things and making the same mistakes.

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Oh yeah. This is something that I’ve been thinking about also. :open_mouth: Thanks for bringing this up! Like, I’ve already come to terms with the fact that we all have losing trades. But it’s whether you’re losing more than you’re winning that really makes a difference. :thinking:


That’s understandable! :blush: It’s definitely not for everyone. :smiley:

True. :smiley: A loss is a loss, and the least you can do is learn from it. :smiley:

There’s no shame in admitting we have losing trades! :blush: Tbh, it’s very brave to talk about it with others. :open_mouth: For example, I have also been following @MikeWolski’s journal here and he really bares it all. Hahaha.


Oh yeah. :confused: For the people who are just getting into trading, oftentimes, they have this impression that forex is easy and you can get rich fast. :open_mouth: But talking about your losses with them, and the reality of trading, it could somehow give them a more realistic mindset.

Well, if you wanna talk about them with anyone, you have a friend here. :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha. :smiley: But yeah. That’s understandable. At least you use it as a learning opportunity, even if only on your own.

That’s nice! :smiley: Haha. Having trader friends irl can be convenient also. :blush: I suppose you all have other things to attend to so it’s fine if you guys don’t do it frequently, I think. :smiley:

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Ahh. :thinking: This one really involves talking to people who won’t judge you for your losses. :confused: I feel like I’ve seen so many people ridicule others for their losses, instead of actually helping them learn from it. So I guess, it’s a sad but undeniable reality also. :confused:

Yes I take in a limited amount of students as I am trying to build a team of professional traders who are at least on my level. About the sharing my losses with them. I am in no way a trading god. I am human as well, so making mistakes happen. Furthermore they get to know the strategy well enough to trust me. There is enough proof in the charts and I am open with logbooks :slight_smile:

Profits and losses are equally important yes. It is good to discuss them!

I actually feel better when I admit it.
On the upside, I am losing less than I was a few years go. i am seeing progress, even if it’s slow one. :smiley:

As long as you know what severe losses look like in extreme circumstance

Hi, at the time I posted about the losses in Jewel, it was relative to their peak value, and our Jewel position was not in loss since we started mid November 2021. However, since then Jewel has fallen even more. I had to really resist “catching falling knives” but I did trade Heroes (NFTs) within the game with the objective of increasing our airdrop crystal tokens. Within 2 weeks I bought and sold Heroes without adding Fiat to the mix, and managed to move from a total of 40 heroes to 44 heroes and increase each Hero’s experience level from an average of around 2,500 experience to about 4,500 experience. That has likely doubled our crystal airdrop. No idea at this stage what a crystal will be worth versus a Jewel, but whatever it is we will be getting about 3 times as many as we would be getting before the 7Feb22 announcement.

That only serves to offset the further fall of Jewel from a high of $22 to the current $6 (73% drop). When we bought into Jewel (via ONE token), we paid between $7 and $10 per Jewel. Overall we have just dropped below our initial Fiat cost, and are about 20% down overall now. The income from liquidity pair and NFT income is still around 10% per month, and the drop (which is generally referred to as “impermanent loss” is acceptable. I am only left wondering how “impermanent” an impermanent loss is supposed to last. Right now it feels like “to infinity, and beyond”. I am still fairly optimistic about DeFi Kingdoms, but the TVL locked has gone below $1bn and continues to reduce. I am currently undecided about this investment, and indeed the other cryptos. In the absence of a clear short term plan, I am hodling.

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Yes, having an outlet is very important in life. You can either have a confidant or maintain a trading journal to pen down your losses and profits which will not only help in motivating you towards betterment but will help you during your lows.

No, I don’t generally discuss my trades with anyone. However, I do maintain a trading journal where I pen down my thoughts, wins and losses. Going back to that journal from time to time helps me in restoring my calm after I track my progress graph.

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Not actually! Basically I am doing my live trading alone! So, I don’t have any space to share my own profit or loss with anyone! Personally I think, it’s not a good practice! If you do so, then others will inference you for sure!

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I don’t really talk about my trading losses or profits with anyone because that’s a completely different phase of my life. I think that’s the only way it’s helping me to keep my personal and professional life separate. On some days when the emotions become really overwhelming then I do share it with my close family member only but not with many people because I know no one can help me. It’s only me who can do something about it.

That’s great to hear then! :blush: I’m super happy for you and I hope your progress continues! :smiley:

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I’m sorry to hear this Mondeo! :frowning: How has it been going since this update? :open_mouth: It’s been 6 days and I’m hoping that things got better since. I feel like, since the market is still very unpredictable and with everything happening that could impact price movements, it’s better to hodl. :open_mouth: I’m somehow relieved that at least you didn’t get in when it was at its high at $22 though. :confused:

Agree! :blush: Hahaha. By any chance, do you have a confidant for your trades and losses also? :blush: