Do you think it's possible to make 5% per day Trading Forex?

Leveraged account s it’s easily attainable ,in fact 5 % a day is paltry.The skill of day trading is getting in at the "right time "you can use all your margin call aslong
a percentagee loss there is no suffering, then you adjust your stop to a comfortable loss or break even ,whilst adding increment s. To the position .as mentioned.on here Aggressive and defensive simultaneously . volatile instruments with low spread like the indices and USD/AUD.

You got to catch the rainbow s before the storms

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Some may find this interesting… Others not so much…

Yes it interesting like you

At times I myself have had cause to question my sanity because things I see I wonder why is it so hard for others to see. In real life I also have had a lot of run ins with people because of my unconventional way of thinking. That is one of the reasons why I resigned from my work at a bank down here.

Now I see people talking about what my figures would look like after 7 years of trading. Please dont smoke anymore of that thing. Who would be trading 5 days per week for seven straight years? But then again that is the way most of your brains work. Has it EVER EVER EVER occurred to you that I could trade my way with 100k for a single week and take a week’s break after a week and continuously repeat this process for a year and I would be good? I dont even need half of a million US dollars to live comfortably here in Jamaica where the exchange rate is J$151.00 to US$1.

I have said all that to say this…why do we go to extremes to make the point? I specifically didnt put a period in my original question so I could have meant a month but people are talking about 7 years and billionaires.
And I would appreciate if the responses are not long as lengthy things turn me off and I usually stop reading after a few lines.

Hey @greenscorpio Just checking - you do realise that a £1000 account growing at 5% per trading day would be worth about £5,000,000,000 after just one year? No?

Why is it that people envy you when they cant match what you do?

Ok I get it :rofl: Joke’s on me! (And about half the other responders) Over and out.

Don’t take it personally, your style is not an attractive one for many, and I will bet any amount of money you will blow your account trading that way. So far, you’re showing trades that have eventually gone your way after a big draw down. When you get away with it, that seems like it was a good idea. But to hold a 45 pip loss for a 5 pip win is not a good strategy. One day it will go much worse than that and you’ll be looking at losing everything, trust me, I’ve been there.

I’m not a big fan of all the money management and R:R that’s spouted, but I know from experience that you won’t get away with what you’re doing forever. And I guarantee you wouldn’t trade that way if there was a significant amount of money on the line.

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:bulb:I’ve just realised that the OP only asked if it’s possible to make 5% per day trading Forex. He never said consistently day in day out! So I change my reply. Yes it’s definitely possible to make 5% per day - you can make way in excess of that. I think some of us assumed he meant can you make 5% per day consistently without also losing the odd 5% per day, hence all the confused Q’s about the vast sums of money he’d be racking up.

Obviously ones not successful every.time as quoted that why a stop used .I was just mentioning the art of trading is minimalise loss and create big wins I’m not interested in what percentage one makes as long as I’m in good profits over the year .

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You have to be very experienced then you will generate this kind of return. Please focus on learning.

Honestly, 5% is a huge percentage! It’s not a decent trading technique, in my opinion! Even 5% as a monthly goal is significant, thus I think 5% as a daily goal is really risky.

Targeting such a big number isn’t a good choice! As we know that, Forex is a risky business & more than 95% traders are losing money here because of avoiding money management rule!

5% daily means, 25% weekly target; eventually it’s 100% monthly target! Do you really think, it’s a good target?

Looking at a daily target will slip you up to be honest. For example there was a sell trade on EURUSD this morning that I had marked and annoyingly didn’t didn’t set a limit on that had the total move go in excess of 25R. Great right? Well the reality is IF I had taken the trade there is no way I would have left the full position on to terminus as there was little reason to logically. The lows I wanted to target were at 12R and I would likely have taken partials before even that was reached. Had I left anything on past the previous lows it would have only been maybe 20% of the original position size. So while possible to get a move like this that moved 25R I wouldn’t have cleared that return personally. Then consider that these moves don’t happen every week let alone day.

As I say it’s possible but you’re setting your expectations sky high and reaching for profit targets like that will make you take more risk rather than focus on the risk and let the winners come as they do.

I find it interesting that everyone and their cat is doing all these calculations for months and years down the road but they dont tell us what is the percentage increase for day 1 or day 2 as it relates to the two screenshots up to, lol. And curiously enough people are saying 5% is impossible but they dont tell us how many million pips you would need need to make on $100.00 to get that 5%. Or is it that you dont need to make a million pips to make 5% on $100.00?
The bottom line is that people are trying to scare others about how technical and difficult trading is when nothing is further from the truth. When I just started to learn physics it was hard as hell for me too in the first part.
Anyway…I’m gonna infuriate and annoy some people some more with one more screenshot. I have been busy so havent had much time to do any trading so to speak. When you’re done analyzing and criticizing do us a favour and tell us how many straight wins that is now.

And lastly I just want to say a big sincere thanks to everyone who read and participated in the discussion in this particular thread. I hope having both sides being ventilated it would have helped some people in their trading journey.

Yes, cause it works - dont forget what i mentioned concerning scalping specialists:

" you deposit 100 EUR, scalp with 70 EUR one lot Nasdaq with one EUR each point. To achieve those
5 % of 100 EUR you just need 5 points, thats not more than a handful of scalp-trades a day…experienced scalper do this easily"

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Tomorrow morning from 8 am to 11:30 am (GMT+2)i have time to trade -
hope i can proove those lousy 5% in that time… :cowboy_hat_face:

Honestly, when I was a new trader, then I expected this kind of unrealistic targets! Actually, there is no way without money management!

Unfortunately I had to postpone my trading session cause my laptop broke👹