Same here mate. I love to work with the numbers and charts. But money does not means life. There are so many things in life other than money.
Same here mate. I love to work with the numbers and charts. But money does not means life. There are so many things in life other than money.
Hi Ramack… we would like to know if you can help us learn FX . The reason am asking u this is because am an engineer too … check out the profile for details … Any help/suggestion would be appreciated !
I am trading in Forex for Confidence and self respect.
I know a formula of it…
Forex = $$$ + Confidence + Lifestyle
I think the first step would be to go through the Pip School. A lot of great information.
forex is a means to get money. having enough money gives you the option to do as you please with your time (i.e. you don’t have to work if you don’t want to)