Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in 6 weeks?

You think? I got the impression, what you were saying was based on experience… Anyways good luck at that… there s always the matter of quality over quantity.

You assume a bit too much here. I am not asking others to do what I want to get done. I accomplished that task and disagree that a high level of risk is required. I would argue that a high level of knowledge is necessary. I ask this question to proof a point to a friend as I expected the majority of answers and thought it was interesting to shwocase the psychology of the majority when it comes to this.

I see people ask how you can turn 5K into 150K and so on, but this threat shows the same psychology applies to smaller amounts and the majority are put of by the 100% return in a shorter time period.

I have done so, multiple times and continue to do it.

Any way to prove that?

I have not joined this forum to prove myself to anyone. I don’t join brokers where you can copy and follow traders and this entire threat was not even about providing proof. It was more to showcase a few psychological patterns to a psychology major as we had a disagreement over certain areas of group mentality amongst other things. The proof I sought to provide I did with this threat to the person this was originally intended for.

I knew it would cause a discussion and thanks for your question as it round up my predictions and I won the bet from last night.

I will let you and everyone else go ahead and claim it is all BS while I dive back into the markets and do what I enjoy. Thanks everyone for participating in this experiment.

the answer is YES you can in few minutes and there are some days in each months that gives those free money but the risk is the psychological effect that it will have on your further trades bcos you will think you can do this all way.
why dont you forget about becoming a billionaire overnight. and look forward to becoming a successful trader and not gambler.

No worries mate… I have visited Mars a couple of times myself… so I catch your drift…

Not gonna quote everything but good luck mate… with this point of view you are already one leg in traders graveyard. I don’t know any business which provides 100% ROI in a year.

I can try but will not be easy for me. If we get continue win then it is possible.

I turned $500 in to $1,800 but I’m a complete newbie & that was all down to over leverage & complete blind luck so yeah, it can definitely be done.

I however have decided not to trade until I actually know what I’m doing. My conclusion: any idiot can make mon£y on this but it’s equally as easy for those same idiots to lose it all again (hence why this idiot has stopped trading) as it’s 50/50 - the market goes up or it goes down. Even if you do get 100% return, it’s then exponentially more difficult to consistently repeat & I’m sure that repeatability of winning trades is surely a key factor.

actually, yes and no. i wouldn’t blindly say you can MAKE more money, but you have more OPPORTUNITIES to make money given a certain start/stop date. if you have a goal that’s 3 months away, you’re likely better off doing more frequent trades than one or two loooong trades, cuz in case the first few trades are losses, you’ve still got time (well, OPPORTUNITY) to take a few more swings.

[[ this ends my reply directly to your quoted post, the below is my reply to the thread as a whole ]]


i think that most people don’t have a goal like that, one that says “by XXX date i am targeting a YYY balance, based on my current ZZZ balance”. it’s weird, but there’s this obsession with pips, not percentages. i for one have a goal (which i would like to hit at the end of 2012) of being able to trade with the result being a 2% net increase in equity daily (averaged). some days may be higher, other days may be lower or even a total scratch (0% gain), but an averaged-out 2%-per-day would be my genuine goal.

i think it IS possible and quite feasible to take $200 and make it into $400 in only 6 weeks. that’s around a 2.5%-per-day (averaged) ROI. to hit that you’d likely need to be a scalper / momentum trader, take 2-10 trades per day with a relatively “large” position but still not an exorbitant effective leverage. using the $200 starting balance, i’d say a 1k to 2k position each trade would be about par for the course.

it’s a bit risky, though, but then again everything worth doing is. i for one am in forex to make MONEY, a good solid chunk of it, NOT to just have a few extra bucks to buy a Porsche Boxster in 10 years, but to buy a Porsche 911 in 2 years.

but i’ll say that yeah trying to double your money every week is ludicrous and far too risky. doubling it every season is feasible and still a bit risky but probably worth the stretch. doubling it once every 2 years is ‘safe’ and ‘comfortable’.

but who wants to be ‘safe and comfortable’? i’ve spent (wasted?) too much of my life being safe, doing what society implies i ought to do. yawn. “go to school, get a univ degree, get married, have kids, buy house, etc. fit yourself into our mold.”

i say be a rebel, reach higher than others, but be ready to put in the huge effort and make some sacrifices in your quest if you genuinely WANT to reach it.

on the flip side, if you’re just gonna piss into the wind (with a “double my money by 3pm!!!”), bring a napkin :stuck_out_tongue:

Everything you have been saying makes sense now. Lunch your live account and let the markets give you that 2% a day average… then we can continue with this conversation.

Do please register to MyfxBook account and before you start trading, post your account here. You can hide with whatever money you play. But your daily/weekly/monthly equity will be visible for everybody. If you will achieve what you are “blabbering” here. You will literally become my god and i will bring food to your home personally on my knees.

Like i said, just share with us your live account. Thank you very much. Until then, everything you wrote is daydreaming. I could write pages about this…

[[ in response to liftoff ]]

i’ve had a live account for a few years, pumpkin. i loathe “demo trading” beyond what is necessary to learn which buttons do what and how to get the platform to show you various data. demo-trade a strategy or an approach for a week if you really want to, but beyond that i tend to brush off people’s claims of “pips gained!!!” on demo accounts. in my eyes, they (the results) are irrelevant and meaningless.

tabasco with your instep?

(edited to clarify who the response was towards)

i’ve thought about it but (a) i’m not sure if it would work with the broker i use (dukas), and (b) i’m hesitant about security and divulging my cash status to people i’ve never met. heck, even my own friends and family don’t know what my $$$ level is in my accounts, and most family either doesn’t even know what i do or if they ask, i try to answer as crudely as possible to demotivate them from probing further.

would YOU post a webcam in your bedroom to prove to a hundred people on the internet how often you have sex with your wife and for how long each session lasts???

There s a problem with your story… In your claims you use future tenses. If you cant prove something there s no point in making claims.

Whoa wait a second let me get my boots on its getting deep in here

Is this going to be one of those endles threads wich i only delete email notification?

Nor am i a pumpkin nor anything you find familiar. I have to agree on demo trading. There is no point of braging with demo profits.

Now concerning “security and divulging my cash status to people…” like i said and i REPEAT (if you haven’t read the whole reply which wasn’t very long) there is option where you can lock down (HIDE) your account balance. That means nobody will ever know how much money you have. Am only interested in your equity.

And for A, you can always find out very easily :wink:

by definition, goals (which is what i spoke of) ARE future-tense, not past. the past is an accomplishment (or lack thereof). and i am not claiming to be able to prove anything.

the facts are:
is it possible? yes.
is it easy? no.
can i do it? not yet, but am targeting at being able to do it by next calendar year.

my goal not lining up with your goal is not MY problem or MY shortcoming, is it? :stuck_out_tongue: