Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in 6 weeks?

I am wondering how many of you think they can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks? How would go about doing that?

Thanks for your thoughts.

Of course you can.

you might! but chances of that high risk turn to $0

my thoughts exactly

Easy. You can trade your way to that amount in a year or gamble yourself there in 2 days.

I’m sorry but who would spend a year to earn 200 bucks ?

Is it possible ? yes, it depends on your skills. Just know that 100 % in 1.5 months imply high risk, and if the market is in bad condition ( for your style of trading ) you could lose a significant amount of money.

What’s your point?

You demean a 100% annual return on an investment, then in the next breath say doubling it in 1.5 months implies high risk, and one could lose a significant amount of money.

Which side of the fence are you on?

I did and was happy to do so. I started with a 500 dollar account and by the end of my fist year I was just above 700. IMO that was a great start. Could I quit my day job? No but I have been getting better ever since.

six weeks?? you could do it in 10mins. Over-leverage or put it on Red


How? Using my own intuition.

Not the answer you we’re looking for.

One could ask Donal Trump how to make a billion dollars, and he could tell you but it would take the same amount of time it took him to make that billion. You would have to experience everything he experienced and intrepret those events as he did…internalize the lessons as he did and apply them as he does.

You asking how someone who is not you can do what you ask.

Instead begin the journey. You cant make it there on the backs of others. You must do this yourself.

With no intentions to offend but NO, try if you want.

100 % a year with 1 000 000 $ is a great investment, with 200 bucks it is bull****. A lot of people come into trading to become wealthy, not to keep their wealth alive.

And to BECOME wealthy, one must multiply his wealth. If i’m 30 and i have 10 000 bucks and i want to become rich, i will not aim 10 % or not even 100 % a year. I must find a business plan that turn my 10 000 into at least 1 million in less that 5 years. People come into trading to change their life style, not their retirement. Who care if my 10 000 will be 1 000 000 when i’ll be 60 years old ? My life will be over.

Its ok for some people who find it cool to trade after work, telling themself that " in 30 years i will have amassed a significant amount of monney ".

But for the one who is ready to make the necessary sacrifices, IE leaving day job and restricting montly expenses to the strict minimum to keep the account growing, the R.O.I must be fast. It can not last 30 years, or even 15 years.

For some people this business plan is trading. For others it could be internet, authoring, etc…

Turning $ 1000 into $ 10 000 is absolutely not the same thing that turning 1 million into 10 million, even if it is " mathematically the same " .

Nevertheless, i have to admit that 100 % in 1.5 months is a little too fast, and the probabilities are that the trading plan that allow this kind of return should provides big drawdowns too.

The real questions trader should ask to himself are:
What am i doing here ? why am it REALLY involved into trading ? because charts are fun and a + 500 bucks at the end of the month is fun, and if i lose these 500 i’ll just dont go to the cinema next month ? or because i’m tired of the rat race and i want to -> LIVE <- wealthy, free, a drive sports car ?

Asking " may i turn $ 1000 into a million ? " has no sence, if it take you a whole life, what will you do with this million when you will be 60 years old ?

Even if it takes you 20 years, it is, to me, too much. Of course i’m talking with the view of someone who is willing to spend 15 hours a day to trade / learn trading stuff.

If you are trading 1 h a day, it’s ok if it takes you 20 years, but i could say that becoming rich is not a primary goal in your life, and that a middle class life with the “long term dream” of becoming “a day” wealthy is an OK life for you.

Each person has their goals and their beliefs, and we are not all in this business for the same thing.

But it is my humble view, and i could be wrong.

PS: i would add that with a 200 $ account, if you are not here to " test " your skills like if you were trading 2000 or 20 000 , who care if you have 20 % drawdowns? with such a little money, you can use high risks money management, so again, YES it is possible… depending on your skill, needless to say :cool:

100% per year will turn $10,000 into $1,280,000 in 7 years. Not less than the 5 you’d like, but far less than the 30 you seem to think it will take at this rate of return.

Wow… You really don’t understand this gig do you?

There are many reasons people enter into the markets. Ironically, that vast majority are NOT in it to become rich.

Yes, you can become wealthy in the markets, but they aren’t there solely for that purpose.

BTW, turning 10k into $1,000,000 in five years is almost as tall a task as doubling $200 in 6 weeks is.
Impossible? Hell no. But can someone that doesn’t understand the awesome value of a system consistent enough to double annually do it? Not likely.

I don’t understand the continual back and forth on this topic.

Of course anything is possible in this market.

People can and have become millionaires and billionaires in many different fields.

Instead of asking COULD it be done which it surly can, instead why not look at the differences between those that HAVE amassed great wealth vs those that have not. The goal is to identify the traits that set these individuals apart from the crowd and learn to internalize those traits and apply them consistent with the nature of your personality.

But for the one who is ready to make the necessary sacrifices, IE leaving day job and restricting montly expenses to the strict minimum to keep the account growing, the R.O.I must be fast. It can not last 30 years, or even 15 years.

And adding more pressure that is a good idea (said with brithis accent).

Let me get this straight… are you saying that if you trade “faster” time frames you will get rich quicker?

The more you trade… the more money you make?

Truth - I turned $600 into $1800 overnight: that is 3x the money - and you are asking about 2x the money - so yuup, it can be done -
That 1800 - soon became 1200 - and soon became 1000 and yes you guessed 400, then 200, then 47.50 - and just for sh!ts and giggles - 17. - - and yes, I deposited another $100 - and it soon became 17.00 - - - yes it can be done
Should it be? no - way to much risk- way to much overleveraging - way to much ignorance I’ve learned my lesson.
Back to your question 2x money in 6 weeks - yuup - i’d guess that’s an aggressive goal, but achievable. I dunno for sure cause I can’t yet do it- but I am working on it - -my latest plan is about 50% per month – but again in progress . . … good luck and take your time.

Yupp it is possible but be ready to lose your whole amount.

I think that the more you are invested in the business the faster you will learn, and the faster you will become wealthy.