Do you trade with MB Trading?

What are your experiences with MB Trading? I know they are true ECN, but I want to know from someone that trade with them. It is instant execution, is there any re-quote etc…? Is there any thing bad about MB?

I am done with Alpari and FXDD, because they keep re-quote me every time I enter and exit a trade…

I am also intrested in hearing pros and con with these guy. I just opened a demo account with them using the mt4 platfrom. I looked into them because they also offer trading in stock options and futures aswell.

Curious, I left IBFX because of requotes and poor entries and went with FXDD where I’ve never had a problem but then I don’t trade any TF under an hour. Do you scalp?

I’ve been trading with MB Trading for over two years now. I really like these guys; honest, reliable, great customer service (both chat and email), quick with deposits and withdrawals. Obviously do expect requote and slippages like any other broker during fast moving market such as NFP and interest rate announcements. Other than that, MBT is great. And trust me, I have many experiences with other brokers (IBFX, GFT, FXCM, and

I only scalp, over 20 trades per day. Do know that every trade comes with commission due to their small spreads and MBT is not too good with swap rate. If you are a long term trader, maybe look for a brokers with better swaps for carry trades. Let me know if you have any other question. *I am not affiliated with MB Trading.

If one uses their mt4 platform is the placed order still an ECN type transaction? If it is then does it take longer to enter and exit a trade? Thanks, dobro

Hi dobro, per MBT, all of their orders are ECN type transactions. I do not use MT4, only MBT Desktop Pro; thus, I do not have any experience with this platform. Nevertheless, MBT has weekly webinars on its two platforms, MT4 and Desktop Pro. Maybe you could waste an hour on one of the nights with them and ask your questions at the end of the webinar? If not, contact MBT technical support. They’re pretty helpful. Sorry for the long answer but to sum up, I do not know.

MB Trading is one of the best kept secrets in the FX market. I use their MT4 platform extensively and I am very happy with it. Spreads are highly competitive.

Some people may think that they cannot trade with 50:1 leverage but that is not true. If you need more leverage than this, then you are trading with too much risk.

Their model is pure ECN, not STP and not instant execution. This means that there are no re-quotes(this is not sales speak…if you do not understand why there are no re-quotes with a market execution broker then you should not be trading). In theory slippage is unlimited but if you find that you have too much slippage, start by making sure that your own latency is within acceptable parameters.

I have had some technical issues with open trades during the 5pm rollover. Generally they are few and far between. I have accepted this as a downside to being able to trade with an ECN broker.

To summarise I give them a thumbs up.

Yes the are nice. How ever I dont think I am going to use them. Not by any fault of theres but I like thinkorswims software better (just preference) I also like the fact thinkorswim allows you to decide if you want to pay a spread or commision before entering a trade. Nice since to can pick depending on you strategy.

thing is, if u trade long term then you’re not gonna be too bothered about this kind of issues.

I used their terminal to find trend patterns - nice.